
Discussions gdoodle has started

Technics and Threshold?294011
Robert Johnson's records mastered at wrong speed?24988
National Record Store Day is Apr 17th248811
Experience Hendrix tour11481
Wilco/ Nels Cline: news & free album preview17287
Mystery side-firing speaker - Acoustic Dimensions?16652
Anyone heard Christian Scott, new trumpeter?13944
AppleTV as my main digital source. Opinions?19704
floating ground on ICs?36226
Harsh cable audio solution?31774
biwiring question for tara/josephs/sonographe16560
Starting a high-end audio shop... Am I crazy?694231
Old NAD for ten bucks- to be modded or??16581
yamaha DVD-S1500: mod it, DAC it or trash it?21331
Phase Inverted DAC fix - w/o flipping spkr cables?38504