
Responses from gentlejax

adcom gfa-555mkII or W4S ST-500 ? old school vs semi-new school amp. opinions?
returned the pt-100 and am waiting on a DC-1 to run my tests. no opinions on the 2 amps?  
Nuforce AVP-16
thanks ! anyone here use the 16?   it appears from above post that the company has gone downhill. the 16 to me looks better than the 18 
Nuforce AVP-16
thanks for replying...but to say its not a krell killer..well its price point wasnt meant to be was it.   its interesting your take on it though..that is what I came here for..even though you have the 18 and I am talking about the 16 which has the... 
Proceed AVP sub output and output connections questions
I have the output for the main speakers using the RCA outputs. I am using the S for sub output to the amp that powers the sub.  the amp has adjustable gain on it.  but I am afraid if I use the XLR output it will no longer be controlled by the sub ... 
anyone ever moddify a PROCEED AVP?
I know I liked the other proceed I had better than the classe ssp-30 I had and the B&K ref 30/50 and some others I cant recall at the moment.   
Craigslist transaction went south...
so what happened? Couple things i have thought at time before a sale of a piece of can take pics of serial number and I do..but what if  they swap internal boards or something?  hard to prove then. I sold a guy a preamp on here.  2 ... 
Software Upgrade for Proceed AVP-S?
rather than start a new thread , does anyone have the cable I can use ? or tell me how to make the cable. 
Hum sound it me or is it you? LOUD hum in system
my feedback from the scammer was reversed BUT so was anyone that sells an item to the guy you have been warned . He will use the system to force a refund. he will claim he was too busy to test it right away but he will not be too busy to mo... 
Hum sound it me or is it you? LOUD hum in system
that is a tempting thought to send some treats in the mail...but what does that mean? no one is standing behind the speaker? all I know is I sold and item complete with pics before and during packing.   forced to refund the buyer and then received... 
Hum sound it me or is it you? LOUD hum in system
man this guy is something else.  I got a notice from Audiogon he is disputing his feedback. YES, after he forced a refund and sent me back a unit physically damaged he is now lying and tying to get his negative feedback taken off. He is completly ... 
Hum sound it me or is it you? LOUD hum in system
dont worry I dont need to sell anything here.   what make me mad though is I have had time to listen to it now and adjust it and its much nicer than the adcom I had and about as nice almost as the Proceed I wish I had kept that I also sold on here... 
Hum sound it me or is it you? LOUD hum in system
Paypal sent me a email this am to confirm that the buyer wins.the reason was listed as "because"how unprofessional sounding pathetic explanation.  I'm not at all surprised because everyone knows they side with the buyer rmost of the time.  On eBay... 
Hum sound it me or is it you? LOUD hum in system
"I  would not buy from you as you have 0 feedback since 2010.Good luck though!! ""lol I have been around a long time but didnt buy or sell anything here.  I sold a Proceed PRE and far as I know its fine..but buyer never left feedback. This was m... 
Hum sound it me or is it you? LOUD hum in system
Ive played the unit all weekend with no "loud Hum" or anything else.  sounds fine..its just got some dings that were not there when I shipped it. I took after pics, already had before pics and send them to Paypal.  I also provided them w... 
Hum sound it me or is it you? LOUD hum in system
got up this morning took the day off and played some more with it.  no hum but I do have damage to it on the top front face that was not there when I shipped it out.    it wasnt shipping damage as it was wrapped up tight and secure both th...