
Discussions gonglee3 has started

Questions : Selling here for the first time 83210
Best Boombox These days?13530
Best synergy mid-fi system for under $2000 used...21312
Anyone heard one of these? Are they the best now?16381
Anyone heard one of these? Are they the best now?15841
Pro amps for home use?345512
How do good car amps sound?22356
The most dynamic speaker you've heard...1681739
What do audiophiles listen in their cars?1613760
Capacitor update - how do they sound like?15414
Perhaps we should stick with midfi...2444969
How to manufacture a cable ?24449
Hum problem - please help...16392
DBX gears gives liquid quality to the sound ?19703
Best system you can assemble for peanuts ?46156