
Discussions grandpoobah has started

Review: Core Audio Design Stands Mod4 v.2 Stand43681
Fantastic German made Music Server for my Car23837
Music to Impress my Kid's Friends?425629
Quick Dedicated Line Question?17585
Turntable and phono cable synergy?23062
Cartridge sitting idle for 6 year?21407
Beautiful Equipment Stands?839218
Thoughts on the new Mapleshade35768
Albertporter only needs 5046181169
What makes phono cables different?17233
Is the "red dot" the same as R or L?13854
Racks vs. furniture w/pods, points, aurios, etc?1167710
New CAT owner with a few questions????29809
Wanted: Exceptional preamp w/remote426426
Is CES worth the trip?12155