

Responses from grooves

Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge
I just happened upon these comments. They are so absurd I don't know where to start. Ortofon made a mistake. Has anyone here ever made a mistake? I should have known the answer, which is "no", we are all perfect. The mistake was an issue with the ... 
Thales Simplicity tonearm review in Stereophile.
I just happened to come upon this thread. Pretty funny IMO! So many misconceptions about me, and about the Thales review. It turned out the bearings in the review sample had issues. In fact Mr. Huber changed the bearing technology used in the arm... 
Michael Fremer's record cleaning process....
Why does recommending the mono "Revolver" have to do with those other Beatles albums? That I do not understand. This is not a competition among Beatles albums is it? In other news, I hope no one ever "bows down" to anything I write! It is simply m... 
Michael Fremer's record cleaning process....
There are some silly posts here in need of correction/clarification:First of all, I never wrote that the KLAUDIO machine "pits" records. You can read the review here for yourself:http://www.analogplanet.com/content/klaudio-kd-cln-lp200-ultransonic... 
Michael Fremer's record cleaning process....
There are some silly posts here in need of correction/clarification:First of all, I never wrote that the KLAUDIO machine "pits" records. You can read the review here for yourself:http://www.analogplanet.com/content/klaudio-kd-cln-lp200-ultransonic... 
Pickup SRA - starting from a 500x microscope
The angle at which the stylus is inserted into the cantilever varies greatly from sample to sample of even the best made and QC'd cartridge. This can be verified using a USB microscope. Setting the arm parallel to the record surface tells you noth... 
Fremer lays an Ostrich egg...
Wow, this has gone on for so long, I'm amazed. First of all the claim that there was an impedance mismatch between my darTZeel preamp and the Bryston amp I reviewed is absolutely FALSE. Please show me that.Secondly, I stand by every word of my Mar... 
Fremer lays an Ostrich egg...
Thanks for such an entertaining thread of contradictions and non-insults. Glad to know I'm "irrelevant" and of course Stereophile "only publishes positive reviews" and then when it publishes a negative one, people get so upset. I am not a "guru" a... 
Fremer lays an Ostrich egg...
BTW, I sold the Sonus Fabers after moving to a new home. They didn't work in my new room... so state your opinions yes, but don't be a total D.B. attacking me for EVERYTHING. 
Fremer lays an Ostrich egg...
Yes Dracule, I agree with you! I do not have magic ears and have never claimed to having them. In fact I find the whole concept of "golden ears" REPULSIVE. However what I consider good music is considered good music by MANY and what I consider goo... 
Fremer lays an Ostrich egg...
Yea, who cares what I write? I just write what I hear. I could give a shit what anyone thinks of what I write or of what are my opinions. They are my opinions and that's all they are. Take 'em or leave 'em.If you like your M-L amps GOOD FOR YOU. I... 
The Hub: Here's some GOOD NEWS from the audio biz
Boy do I agree and how! Sound can only get so bad and interest in good sound can only deteriorate so far before it improves. People have been led down a terrible path by the computer geeks who now constitute the bulk of "consumer electronics write... 
This is Too Funny Vinyl is Still King
I'm actually an "irregular Joe"-Mikey 
Ortofon MC A90 Cartridge VTF
I want to chime in here! Jonathan: Did you began by making sure SRA was set to 92 degrees preferably using a USB based microscope? Correct SRA is critical to this extreme stylus profile. I thought I was 'locked in' doing it by naked eye and listen... 
The Hub: Is a Vinyl Revival in progress?
I got this one just now (Thursday 3/18/10Hi Michael,I was fortunate enough to attend my first major audio show a few weekends ago in Jacksonville and was blown away by what I saw and, more importantly, heard. As a soon to be 25 year old, I've been...