
Responses from gte357s

Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
ok, based on my research, if the input impedance of power amp is not high enough (10x of the output impedance of preamp), then the system will be more prone to sonic distortion. This is because there is a reduction of signal from preamp to power a... 
Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
Gopher, what is the output impedance of your Shindo? I know F3 is a very good amp and good match with Zu based on all the reviews and comments, and I am almost set on it until I realized the input impedance. The rule of thumb is that it should be ... 
Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
I hope I can audition them too, but it is not possible. I am in Vancouver, Canada. I don't think there is anyone in Vancouver carry Zu and PrimaLuna. So, I can only audition different amps but not the whole system. So, I mainly rely on my internet... 
Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
Oh ... I just found out that the F3 has an input impedance of 10k Ohm, which is too low for my PrimaLuna Preamp with output impedance of 2800 ohm!!! I almost overlook this part. Gee ... So, the F3 is not good for me then? Would other First Watt pr... 
Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
I am very interested in the Mini Torii too. I think it looks very good, better than a F3 clone. And I am using a SS now, so, I am tempted to try a tube SET even though the F3 sound very close to a tube SET. One thing is, the Mini Torii is much mor... 
Best tube pre-amps under $1,000
PrimaLuna Prologue 3. U can get it around 900 used. 
Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
Hi, I need some advise on picking the right amp. I have limited budget around $1000. I can stretch it maybe to $1200. I will buy used equipment. So far, based on other people's comment and my budget and reviews, I have the following 3 candidates:1... 
used SET amp under $1500 suggestion
I spot a Cary / AES SE-1 300B with 7 watt on local craigslist for $800. Do you think it will be a good match with the Omen Defn? Does anyone has experience with this unit? It has no negative feed back and the output impedance is 3.2 Ohm. The comme... 
used SET amp under $1500 suggestion
Yes, I think the McCormack sounds very good. However, I don't have others to compare to. The only problem is the gain. When I have to keep the volume low, it doesn't sound good. But when I turn it up a bit at about 9 o'clock, it sounds very good I... 
Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
Hi, Morganc, your comment is specifically for omen def, right? Just want to make sure as I read some ppl comment that the omen def needs more watt than other model like Druid. Just want to make sure. 
Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
Actually, the McCormack sounds ok, I think. I cannot say if it is good or bad as I have no comparison. The only problem is the gain. I cannot turn on the volume knob of my preamp pass 9 o'clock, and I feel the sound is not as good as I turn the vo... 
Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
yes, I am researching on an amp, and I read someone said SS is better match to Omen Def, and particularly the Pass F3 and XA30.5. But I check, the XA30.5 has 26dB gain, which is not too much lower than my McCormack DNA-1 of 30dB gain. I am looking... 
Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
I bought it used. The previous owner said he has about 100 hrs on it. He said the suggested burn in period is 200 hrs. Let's see. But I am not a big believer in burn in. I can't imagine the sound change linearly with time. I think for the first 50... 
Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
And I did some more A/B testing. I think the Zu is more musical, and has more detail. It is brighter, but not bright or harsh of any sort. It is still neutral. I think it depends on the type of music. For instruments like acoustic guitar, saxophon... 
Some impression on Zu Omen Definition
Well, my system is not good now. I am having too much gain in my amp, and that affect the sound a bit. So, I am looking to change the amp to a SET amp.Maybe another reason is my room is too small. It is about 17 in. from the back wall and 3 feet f...