
Responses from hazyj

Best amp for Raidho Speakers
count me jealous of every one of you who didn't do what I did: sell my Raidhos:-(Hegel, Gryphon, MX-Rs ... when I think about the difference between what you're hearing and what I've had before and after my C1.1s ...the main difference by far is t... 
Best amp for Raidho Speakers
@jymc Much appreciation for reviving a thread that needed revival IMO. I must not have noticed the comment referring to Raidhos as " not really known for dynamics". A rather remarkable statement, since I have to wonder how a Raidho could be setup ... 
Quad vs. Martin Logan?
I love resurrecting old threads that are worthy of resurrecting. Now it's a 2.3 year old thread. And yeah, I'm resurrecting it by posting (thanks Jim;-)I'm absolutely loving my Quad ESL-2805s and it happened only after a *lot* of a'goners told me ... 
Best interconnects used for around $500 +?
As someone who goes into almost every cable A/B test skeptical that I will hear any differences, I usually end up convinced that I hear some differences only to be left wondering if it matters. Recently I borrowed the Audience  au24se XLRs and co... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
I'm wondering why this thread ever stopped. It's one of the most interesting AND informative threads I've read here. Why not keep it going? Certainly the posts have only touched on the subject. 
Clear Day Interconnects
heh. just thought i'd smirk in geoff's direction, whichever that may be. somehow his last comment got lost in the shuffle. 
Ayre MX R vs Pass Labs X350.8
Hi Mikey. What did you decide on? Did you ever get feedback from others? 
Speakers that are very accurate sounding but don't produce an emotional connection.
;-) !!!!!! 
Speakers that are very accurate sounding but don't produce an emotional connection.
all this chatter. it renders emotionally involving visions of sugar plum fairy-shaped transducers floating about tethered to helium balloons and candy canes. flitting and dancing, hither and yon, sprinkling teensy gems of excitement and wonder and... 
Just moved to an apartment need speaker suggestions
I was referring specifically to the ProAc response 2.5s above, but I believe other ProAc models employ a similar design. 
Just moved to an apartment need speaker suggestions
Funny it took me until now to realize this: I’ve been researching DeVore Gibbon 8s for the last 3 weeks, and often came across an opinion that these are right for small rooms. I think the point there is that the bass isn’t big enough to really cal... 
Silver Wire
Understood. You are providing good info for the OP to use and decide on his own. Always worthwhile to do so in my opinion. But I think there needs to be a bit more detail wrt the 12 gauge experiment, in particular the size and shape of the wire an... 
Silver Wire
lcherepkai -Maybe I'm not following you, but it seems you've replaced 18 gauge with "doubled-up twisted runs" of 16 gauge wire and you noticed a difference. It seems you've proven that this lower resistance and likely lower inductance has improv... 
Best amp for Raidho Speakers
Thanks xti16.That's a very helpful response, and one that has been echoed by others (but not often). It's most helpful, because not only is my amp a hybrid, but it should have plenty of current available for the C 1.1's to fully display their dyn... 
Just moved to an apartment need speaker suggestions
Telling the OP that he/she NEEDS efficient speakers is just way too subjective an opinion and ends up limiting the choices. It's also confusing and therefore possibly counterproductive for the OP because it's in direct conflict with many of the go...