
Responses from hlg3

Proper DAC Upgrade for my modest system.
Untill you get into Hi Rez music, the Wadia is all you will need, it is a great DAC. Start looking into surround sound separates, or a pre amp with Home Theater bypass, like a PS Audio, or similar. Your pre amp and amps should be your next step.  
Cannot find perfect sound
Wait for PS Audio's new line of speakers to come out and make an effort to listen. Paul seems to be keying in on the areas you are griping about. There is no perfect speaker, not even headphones. You have to find the ones that best reproduce music... 
Subwoofer Decision
Why did you not mention Velodyne subwoofers? I would look at a DD 12 Plus. It has both balanced and single ended in/out. It has room and system equalization built in. At around $2,500 it might be too expensive, and that is why you eliminated it. 
mcintosh home theater pre-amp tuners.
You do not have to be an audiophile to appreciate good equipment. The MX132 is a huge upgrade from a Marantz 4300 either the 4300 surround receiver, or the classic quad receiver. The gear you have now is better than 99.99% of the systems people li... 
mcintosh home theater pre-amp tuners.
For the price you paid, you did just fine. The only way you would improve your preamp would be to spend a lot more money on a 2 channel unit. The problem with 2 channel preamps now is a lot of people buy a new one to keep up with the DACs codecs b... 
Whole House Mains Wiring -- Ping: Jea48 (Jim) -- & ALL Others for your HELP!
The need for multiple circuits is well documented in the AV world. A high quality AV receiver can draw 12 to 15 amps when playing a movie at what most people consider a realistic listening volume. If you consider a high end system with a separate ... 
Whole House Mains Wiring -- Ping: Jea48 (Jim) -- & ALL Others for your HELP!
When dealing with large systems getting enough circuits is very important. Figure one 20 amp circuit, terminated in a duplex outlet per power amplifier or powered speaker. Hospital quality plugs also are worth the investment. A 20 amp circuit can ... 
Will a new sub sound better than my Velodyne F1200?
Get a newer Velodyne properly sized for your room. I just replaced a 1991 ULD 15 with a DD15+, and there is quite a difference in output and detail.No other sub on the market will have the detail of a Velodyne.  
How do I power my 800D(3)s
bo1972 If you are advocating the products you sell, then you are acting with more bias than a reviewer who is compensated by a third party media company. You will only advocate what you sell.    
How do I power my 800D(3)s
bo1972 the only thing you can pick on is stage depth? In my experience, I sold and installed high end audio for 9 years, the perceived sound stage of a system, depth, width and height, was much more a product of the environment and set up than the... 
What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz?
What you ask is impossible, as others have mentioned. Get a set of "bookshelf" style speakers or a small(ish) tower speaker and a good sub woofer, REL, Velodyne, etc. When properly matched and tuned, they can best all but the best full size speake...