

Responses from hmthrasher

What's up with Soundstage Direct?
For all that have orders or even thinking of ordering from SSD don’t and go directly to your CC company or file a case on PayPal I did and got my money back over 200.00 also filed with the BBB there are tons of complaints filed against them! This ... 
What's up with Soundstage Direct?
I just filed a case against SSD with the BBB, this is not acceptable and will make sure they feel my course of action against them! I work hard for my money and flat out got  ripped off as many others! Time to feel the pressure SSD! Karma is coming!  
What's up with Soundstage Direct?
To all those that have been ripped off get in touch with Paypal and your credit card companies,  file a case against SSD this place is done they have yet to respond to me or paypa and l there are many others in the same boat!  also file a case wit... 
What's up with Soundstage Direct?
I will find out whats going on soon thru paypal they investigate and make things right, I got some kind of automated reply that delays are from release dates mine was supposed to be july 27th that was last release date and this is really crazy due... 
What's up with Soundstage Direct?
I have contacted them for weeks now all i get is back up answer and auto reply emails I have preordered 8 albums release date July 27th and nothing I have filed a case thru paypal against them I have noticed that you cant place an order either so ...