

Responses from jadem6

How do I go backwards?
Thank you Chad and Lohan. John, you have become a good local friend thanks to this wonderful web site, and we have many, many hours to learn together! Greg, you are an old time friend who I wish I could meet personally. This is the only problem wi... 
Review: Dunlavy Audio Labs SC-IVa
I almost bought a pair of Duntech. They are a bit wider as I recall. Nice sounding none the less, and it's great to hear I should be happy with my IVa's for years to come. I simply love them 
IC´s:Stealth Indra, Prana Cosmos or Kubala
After a summer of personally getting to know Brainwater (I love the moniker) I must tell you he is as detail orientated, if not more so than me. He makes his decisions on cables and tweaks after long auditions where his attention to detail is beyo... 
Wattgate 381 outlet:any comments from the owners?
this is a far smaller improvement than you will find from good power cords, dedicated circuits, isolation and even cleaning your connectors. I will be a larger gain if it is the last of a series of tweaks listed above. If your just starting a good... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
You know how much I love you Pat,you are an amazing man. 
Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2
I'm not sure how many people have your patience Perfectionist, but I'm glad to here you've gotten there. The speaker issue is one many of us forget to re-address when a new component comes into our systems. For me 1/16th of an inch can be huge son... 
Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....
I would agree to a point that the cord may have needed breaking in. It is also possible that the Epiphany was allowing you to actually hear his pre-amp. I would be interest to know what pre-amp it was. I also tend to believe the Epiphany is ruthle... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
I just re-named those goofy nuts on my car wheels "Pats" so I wouldn't get confused. So how did those ever get named after you anyway? Now that little luggy is on "its" way I think we need to petition the auto industry to change those things name.... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
who would name their baby Lugnut? what an odd thing to call a baby. here little luggy, eat this! 
IC´s:Stealth Indra, Prana Cosmos or Kubala
I have been using Valhalla interconnects and speaker cable for years in my system, and I have loved them. I then had a chance to try Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnects. I now have all KS Emotion interconnects and half my system uses KS power cords... 
Electraglide Epiphany vs Kubala-Ssna vs....
Part one of three in our power shoot-out was completed over this past week-end. Sorry it took us so long. We gathered at Jfox’s house. As many of you know, Jfox has a whole lot-o-tubes! This of course makes for a very full bodied, warm and fuzzy p... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Hi Pat,That was not the story I hoped to hear. DAMN! It makes no difference in my prayers or your influence one me. You remain the great light we all follow, and a true heroe in my eyes.I love you, and am always thinking of you even if I'm not the... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
I'll pray for another great week! 
Review: Dunlavy Audio Labs SC-IVa
Hi Tom, do you have a list of components and values for the capacitors and resistors you would suggest for me to change in my crossover? 
Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2
Rja, is WBL White Bear Lake? John, Artg and myself are in the western suburbs. We all met recently and have found a strong three way friendship. Speaking for myself, we would love to add another member to our group of friends. In fact we are about...