

Responses from jeffrey75

My music sounds brighter
@cspiegs,Interested in update of any progress or elimination of causes to your problem.@erik_squires,Spot on with analysis...@dweller,Spot on with your analysis also, I have found alien a/c can reach into places past where you can adjust from menu... 
My music sounds brighter
Electromagnetic radiation. Radio Frequency Interference from Wi Fi devices, laptop, game console or cell phone can effect sound quality especially the top end of a audio signal.Cell towers seem to be popping up everywhere or a new FM/AM station th... 
Audio as a weapon
Thank you for your insight geoffkait, If you would like to start your own thread regarding these topics I would be interested.  If you do, start a thread, and I am not posting please PM me so I can join in... I never said mass vibrates, you have. ... 
Why is Oppo stopping products.
Yes, I am in dual use mode for my system, all output from 103 exits thru analog output jacks. Using the 103 for D/A conversion makes sense for my system and I like the way it sounds... This has also given me opportunity to compare 103 in two chann... 
Audio as a weapon
@geoffkait , thank you once again for taking a interest in what I have to say. Matter is made of particles and particles are a vibration of a field, caries mass, and takes up space. Energy is the capacity to cause change and carries no mass and ha... 
Audio as a weapon
@geoffkait , thank you for pointing this out but I never mentioned mass only matter. Matter observed under a microscope is inert material but mostly made up of energy and is vibrating. The denser the matter, humans and steel walls of a embassy for... 
Audio as a weapon
Absolutely, quantum physics is showing that everything in the universe is energy, so on the sub-atomic level we do not find matter we find only energy. This pure energy or light is everything comprised in universe and is resonating at a different ... 
Why is Oppo stopping products.
@prpixel , IMO, I  believe OPPO dropped streaming apps on 203/205 players because getting firmware updates into the apps themselves was technically challenging and or had to many copyright laws. When using a Roku 4 with 103, I found the Netflix/Pa... 
Why is Oppo stopping products.
@audiostick, OPPO website has a working registration for 203/205 listed under product support. 
Why is Oppo stopping products.
@elizabeth   +1 Net neutrality rules will formally expire on Monday allowing internet providers free reign to block any traffic content, throttle internet speeds against their competitors content, and accept money for favored treatment.  With pric... 
JL Audio e112 or HSU ULS MK2
@yakbob Could you go into a little more detail about sound, placement, room size, and how you connect your ULS-15's in your system? 
Oppo to cease production -- Announced yesterday...
Here-here, "the proof is in the pudding" when speaking of vinyl and higher end audio gear and it was very hard to go back once I had experienced it.OPPO is a prime example of a high end video/audio company that has set the bar very high, and quite... 
Oppo to cease production -- Announced yesterday...
My two cents, if OPPO was going to sell it most likely would of happened before their name and reputation took a PR hit and the panic buying started.I am holding out great hope that they are just 'cocooning' themselves to ride out the current poli... 
Greatest Rock Drummers
IMO to answer your question falaconquest, no he is not. There are just to many techniques/styles in drumming for one single drummer to be considered better than all the others. And now for something completely different;https://www.youtube.com/wat... 
Best Budget RCA cables
Soundsilver-Trilogy II, these interconnects at one hundred dollar mark are a good investment. Stewart’s auctions are not as frequent as they use to be, try member lookup for soundsilver and see if he has upcoming auction or a pair for sale.Another...