

Responses from jerrygarcia

klipsh forte III purchase
the strap is not the best  if u can  biwire 
Opinions needed on some Klipsch for 2 channel
Steves Home Theater ,Blaine MI Chat on Audiogon,He had B stock heresy for sale asked  if he had any B stock Forte ,he has a cherry pair,first  he said 2350 got him down to 2150,he has an ad for heresys for 1250 try to contect him through add or he... 
Opinions needed on some Klipsch for 2 channel
just recently got  forte III,there great if u want B stock they can be had for 2200,let me know 
klipsh forte III purchase
agreed going back between my two rooms vandersteen 3 sig with subs in one room ,y greater detail,klipsch better dyamics,i  know one is more laid back the other is in your face 
vandersteen m5-hp crossover setting
imput impedece 200k 
vandersteen m5-hp crossover setting
these numbers are not fo 3 sig or 2c 
What speakers would be an upgrade from my klipsch la scallas and my Klipsch Chorus
got the forte III improved klipsch sound less money,maybe preamp switch a better idea and save money 
klipsh forte III purchase
meant to say then my vandy 3, the kilpsch were also bargined price 
klipsh forte III purchase
using 70 tube amp mono block and tube pre also 250 watt SS working on placment compared to  ,first day much better my vandy 3 dynamics impressed with bass with no sub 
klipsh forte III purchase
got them today impressive/great dynamics good base ai guess they only get better 
Why is Oppo stopping products.
owned by Gibson/ going thru  bankrupcy 
thoughts on new Adcom 585SE
vsndersteen 3 sig with subs 
thoughts on new Adcom 585SE
bang for buck,power 
thoughts on new Adcom 585SE
down sizing from the wall of sound 
Audible Illusions M3a preamp
call gcaudio ,texas talk to galen carol