
Responses from jferro

Structural beam in middle of listening room
I'm  getting some help from GIK and should get some of their products in a week or so.In the mean time, I favor the position with the speakers about 6 feet from the wall behind and the listening position about 5 feet behind the column.Both positio... 
Structural beam in middle of listening room
Swamp,It is a 4inch diameter vertical column and it can be either right behind my head or about 2 feet in front of my face.Bob, This system is about 2 months new for me after 25 years in this hobby. Started in college with a DIY Dynaco st70 clone ... 
BAT VK 250 vs Pass XA30.5 for Wilson Sophia 2
I like the Rogues and will keep them - I like to have a tube amp around to switch to when I get the itch for a different sound.  They are very musical but don't have the grip on the bass or treble detail that I know the Wilson's are capable of.I w... 
Wilson Audio Sophia 2 or Goldenear Triton 1
The audition was outstanding and I purchased the Sophia 2's.I am using them with a Rogue stereo 90 and they are very clean and musical with a bass that is deeper and better defined than I expected. 
Wilson Audio Sophia 2 or Goldenear Triton 1
All helpful comments. I am auditioning the Wilson's tomorrow and expect to purchase then. Will post my comments after I have them home a few days.Curious to what amps you like with them. I will try my Rogue90  tubes and Odyssey Stratos but am thin... 
Wilson Audio Sophia 2 or Goldenear Triton 1
Very helpful....thanks.Joe