Structural beam in middle of listening room

Room is 13'X20' with a steel structural beam(covered with wood strips)11' from the short wall behind the speakers, Wilson Sophia 2 with Pass XA30.8 amp.
I am down to twp positions.
Either the speaker woofers 4' from the rear wall behind and 6' apart with the listening chair just in front of the column and 7' from the woofers, or the speakers 6' from the rear wall(per Cardas rec) and the listening chair 2' behind the column so I'm looking at the column. Aesthetics aside, would you expect any adverse sonic effects from the column in front of the listening position?

I am with swampwalker. The beam in front would be a big issue, especially since the symmetry of the sound waves would be compromised. The beam behind your head is alright and you can manage with treating it with some sort of acoustic treatment.
You can check the pictures in my main system. I have a beam just behind and to the left of my listening position. That was the best I could do without compromising too much on sound.
Jferro, have you tried any of the positions yet?
As far as the beam being distracting, I usually listen to music at night, preferrably with the lights off. That's when I can really 'see' the soundstage.
I have a pair of columns delineating the LR and DR and have my speakers placed just behind them between wall and column. Many would call it wrong, but they sound pretty good. Yes, I tried the placement suggestions for Cardas, and others, but this position not only fits the living space, but creates a pleasant sound stage.
I'm  getting some help from GIK and should get some of their products in a week or so.
In the mean time, I favor the position with the speakers about 6 feet from the wall behind and the listening position about 5 feet behind the column.
Both positions sound very good but I get a deeper soundstage with them further out in the room. I cannot discern any detrimental effect from the column.
I also agree that listening with the lights out is probably the best tweek,  so the look of the column is no problem.
Thanks for all the insights.

I am glad the column isn't a problem.
Do you have subs? If so, you could probably move the speakers forward even more. Who is GIK?