

Responses from jkingtut

The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
I didn't read all 227 of the current responses but I would seriously consider Soundsmith. A dedicated owner if there ever was one, and not just to cartridges or music but to people. I will be having him rebuild my Sumiko Blackbird for about a thir... 
Monitor Audio Pl 300ii vs. KEF Reference 5
Can't Agon silence this random letter/number generator or at least require a proof reader? 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
No really. Try before you buy, in your comfortable price range. I bought a pair of solid gold braided but unshielded interconnects 17 years ago on Audiogon. The guy was just starting out somewhere in Central CA. Delta Labs, so I think I paid less ... 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
Hopefully the guy who dared ask the question that started this free for all learned one thing. That would be one more than me. 
How to find the good CD recordings?
N80 King Biscuit up the road from Clarksdale in Helena Ark. really good blues festival in Oct. every year right on the levee. One of the best CD collections I own is the last remaster of Robert Johnson (every song he recorded). It was a box set wi... 
Where To Buy Ceramic Insulators?
Email me at jkingtut@yahoo.com. There is a farm supply store in Connecticut that has great ones for around 5 bucks a piece! I bought several extra boxes, I will give you their website address so you can order. Jim 
Best Integrated Amp
Thanks for the reply, I hope to hear alot more solid state stuff in NY in May at the Hilton, everybody I know in this is all tube all the time so I have had no exposure but I do have an open mind although my preference is definitely for horns whic... 
Best Integrated Amp
Mr. Bigcig, does that Goldmund have remote Volume control? Great info on your posts, has somebody found themselves another reviewer? :~} I'm currently (no pun ...) slogging along with VAC Avatar SE, ok with high efficiency horns. Actually as I upg... 
Goertz cables- any feedback?
I have AG 1 speaker cables (ten foot biwire). Excellent. 
DVD players that make good transports
CAL CL-20, currently being used as transport only, I bought it in case I wanted to have video option but like you I really prefer music. I may eventually go to a cd transport only, Stereophile class A (DVD) rated, CAL went the home theater route s... 
Inteligent high end cableing
Despite your title being oxymoronic (is that the opposite of redundant?), here is my two cents. I do not have golden ears, but I can tell you that it really is not going to matter IN THE BEGINNING, what you get. Get whatever the best deal seems to... 
Most Honest Audio Magazine?
Sterophile reviews now carry that same thread of reasoning that PBS has been allowed to adopt while remaining "commercial free"--- this is not an ad but here is our name, address, phone # and oh yeah exactly what we do while we 'support this stati... 
Best blues guitarist, Clapton or Green
Clapton must get his do for using his popularity to help every other blues musician out there except his riding with the king (and what damn fine musician wrote that song?...) co partner. His latest (not recent) straight blues records got alot of ... 
Stealth Interconnects users
C Carl, IC's are available either shielded or unshielded. Emil, That "sale" has been going on at least 6 months unchanged, as I have been checking his website frequently. He is also constantly auctioning his entry level IC's on Ebay, as well as hi... 
Best CDR ?
Great! Who is HHB?