
Responses from kskishore

Purepower APS a reliable product?
Ditto- I have been in touch with Richard and Damian who have consistently mentioned (when I call) that they would take care and shipment was imminent but they have NEVER called back or emailed me back or provided any update as promised. They seem ... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Great review Teajay. I have gone thru both the preamps and have Bent Noh (earlier version of TAP). Placette Active and Bent comparison was a preference than a performance issue...I thought both were so close and excellent (you change interconnects... 
meridian 861 or Theta Cas.III-which is better
I had compared Theta CB2 with xtreme DACs to Meridian 861v3 and there was no comparison- 861 was much better wrt soundstage, clarity and overall better sonics. I was actually surprised- with v4 it was a no brainer (if your room is poor in bass cov... 
Amps and pre amps to improve on VMPS RM40 system
I am sure a dedicated pre and 2 Ch Amp (plenty of choices) would improve sonic presentation from the RM40s. HOwever, before that I hop your RM40 has mid-panel upgrade and you have taken time to fine-tune RM40s (bass by removing/adding mass/putty, ... 
Bent Silver TX102 compared to Placette RVC
Nice review Mike! Even though I have not heard the 2 units side by side, I think Placette and Bent are two neutral pres I have heard in my system as of now.But system synergy/tastes are more important and hence even a tube pre might be exciting. C... 
VMPS RM-40 - Anyone Heard
As an owner of RM40s, I have to hand it to VMPS not only for the melodious/crystal clear midrange, but also the tight and fast bass. You can adapt the bass response by adjusting the mass (/putty) of the Passive Radiator in the speaker. I remember ... 
odyssey amp's how do they compare to others
As an owner of Stratos and Monos, I should say that these AMPS are freaking amazing value for $$ AND ABLE performers.I have not yet posted my review on AR(I will soon)- but I should add that the review of Odyssey Amps is like the Titan II LE Subwo... 
Looking To Buy Wide Screen TV
I think tireguy meant the 65HD1 which has MSRP of $12K. This is an older model and has only 1 HD input. I recall reading that there were issues with this set.Anyway if you can afford it, the latest Sony XBR2 comes very close to the Elites.Lefty,a.... 
Still need help for CD PLAYER .. please
I was in same boat as you before-following are some good onesused Audio Refinement Complete CD, Rega Planet 2000, Arcam CD72, Ah! Tjoeb4000 to name a few.I'd also recommend a good/cheap DVD player like Pioneer 343(frm ebay) and get it modded by Da...