
Responses from lake_eleven

PS Audio AC-5 question
Iam not sure if the fuses will benefit my system, as I see high end coloring (in the correct direction i was able to find the correct direction after many attempts). AC-10 has got more than 500 hrs, AC-5 around the same, quintet around 150 hrs. I ... 
PS Audio AC-5 question
The fuse is driving me crazy!, Iam likely to return them and be content with the stock fuses as the Hi-Fi fuses is giving a negative impact on the system. I moved to Acoustic Zen ICs straight from Kimber PBJs. Happy with them. 
Hi-Fi Tuning gold fuse on Parasound
Parasound does have 2 fuses for each channel, both of them point outward now (as suggested by parasound support). I will try reversing each and see if the top end benefits from any. 
Hi-Fi Tuning gold fuse on Parasound
The fuses have burn-in time of around 20 hrs. I tried reversing the direction. In one direction, the high end just opens up at the expense of mid base giving an unbalanced sound. In the other direction, the mid range and dynamics are very good, bu... 
PS Audio AC-5 question
I use Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref II from Pre to amp and Silver Ref II from CDP to pre. I cant use balanced ICs as my amp does not have balanced inputs. I think the HIFI fuses does bring in good improvement over the stock fuses. Parasound amp has 2 fu... 
PS Audio AC-5 question
As my Quintet is burning in and AC-12 is on the way, I tried the Hi-Fi Tuning fuse for my amp. I felt it adds a little of height and width to the imaging. Also there is a little bit of added realism, but at the expense of added brightness. I swapp... 
PS Audio AC-5 question
Iam likely to get my AC-12 next week too. I thinking AC-12 on amp may give better sound IMHO. Lets keep the finding posted, interesting, yes!. 
PS Audio AC-5 question
The new 1.5m AC-10 between wall and Quintet has burned in 48 hrs - overall sound is a bit veiled, waiting for further burn-in. Meanwhile, am thinking if 1m AC-12 between wall and Quintet will benefit the sound, as I dont need 1.5m. Not sure if the... 
PS Audio AC-5 question
Cant wait!, picked up AC-10. Now the classic confusion - whether to put AC-10 on Anthem processor to get the best out of it or to put it on Quintet to give clean power to all components. For now I have put it on the Quintet and let it burn in. 
PS Audio AC-5 question
Did some cord swapping experiment. First, AC-10 on Quintet gives the best sound, AC-5 is just lesser. Shunyata Diamondback, removes the dymanics and adds grain - this is the weakest link in my system. On the video, both AC-10 and AC-5 increases sh... 
PS Audio AC-5 question
Jdub, I got a PS Audio Quintet as loaner from local audio shop. This is a demo unit, the dealer said its well burned in for months. When I connected my gear, the background is extremely dark, details and dynamic are amazing. I can get a dimensiona... 
PS Audio AC-5 question
Vinylvin, Iam burining-in AC-5 with ground and AC-10 without ground pin, as it is connected to Parasound known for the ground hum, hum was gone as I removed the ground pin. Iam not sure though if this pin will affect the burn-in process. 
PS Audio AC-5 question
Thanks Jdub, getting more anxious to hear the post 270 hrs sound!, few more days for the complete burn-in. 
PS Audio AC-5 question
My PS Audio AC-10 have burned in for around 120 hrs. The mids and bass are beautifully defined. But the highs are very much veiled, especially the cymbals. Not sure if this is how it has to be or the cord still needs burn in time to open up more. 
PS Audio AC-5 question
Thanks much Jdub, I will soon be starting the hunt for Duet or Quintet!. Need to get rid of Monster HTS first though!.