
Responses from lant5

Jeff Rowland Concentra II vs Gryphon Callisto 2200
The choices get tough at this point. I went from an ARC tube pre and power amp combo to a Concentra II. So far I have been pleased. As others have said the build quality is fantastic, as it should be at this price point. The sonics are superb as w... 
Jolida JD100 and JD100A,whats the difference?
I didn't know that there was a JD100 and JD100A. I recently purchased my Jolida and it is marked JD100A and it is a bone stock unit from Jolida, not the version that is being modified buy Parts Connexion. I haven't heard a modified one yet but the... 
Tube suggestion for Jolida JD-100
I have tried three different tubes. The stock one, a 1961 NOS Sylvania and the Sovtek 12AX7LPS. The Sylvania was a disapointment, grainy, aggressive. I think the unit sings with the Sovtek Long Plates. With these tubes the CDP has the attributes y... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
The Jolida is a very nice unit. I ended up buying a JD100 after auditioning a Cairn Fog V.2, Musical Fidelity 3.2, Classe .3, and an ARC CD2. The JD100 more than held it's own against any of those players. It has an engaging quality to it. Very ea... 
Rega Planet or Cairn Fog
No matter what player you decide on the Wasatch interconnects are 'suitable'. I used the Wasatch 105u and Ultima during my audition of the Cairn. They are not well know cables but they do sound very good and have displaced some very well known and... 
Rega Planet or Cairn Fog
I recently had a Cairn Fog in my system for an extended demo. Great sounding player. Very detailed but never pushy about it. I wouldn't call it lush but it did have an ease about. I was very tempted to buy it, howver there is a reason for the "Fog... 
Shanling, Jolida, Cary, Tube, SS can anyone compar
Has anyone actually heard the Xindak ? This player has interested me for a couple of months now but all I have heard is some hype from the distributor and a dealer. For something that the distributor claims that he sells out of in a hurry there su... 
Theta reliability
I have a Theta Data Basic which is the non-universal transport based on the Phillips CDM-9 Pro assembly. I play on average about 7 hours of music a week and the rest of the time it is in standby mode. The unit is now 7 years old and still works fi...