
Discussions ldworet has started

How to connect Firewire Weiss 202 and Firewire HD26106
Synergistic Power cords for the MC402 amp?17691
Any one compared a Lampizator to Weiss 202 DAC?1464528
Max length of IC's? Long IC's vs short SW22607
How much sand/shot to put in Dynaudio Con 1Stands?37017
What's better out from CD player: coax or optical?40369
Experiences with McIntosh MEN220 Room Correction?89996
Plinius Int 9200 or McIntosh 6600 for Dynaudio C11208819
Best amp for Dynaudio Confidence 1 or Contour 1.4?81965
Any one know the file limitations in Ayrewave?21906
Is Itunes OK to rip CD's to AIFF?691023
Compared Spectron to Sanders Magtech 4 Mags 3.6?45994
Ideas re Spectron mated to Joule-Electra705817
Sanders Magtech Amp or Bryston 4B-SST2 4 Mags 3.62113319
Any experience with Aphex Model 204 Aural Exciter?15950