
Responses from macrojack

High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
We are aging. In another 10 years our numbers will be drastically reduced by various causes. Death, dementia, hearing loss, income loss, home loss, and loss of interest are all taking their toll gradually. I was born in 1947 and I've noticed that ... 
Wanting to simplify my system ......
Never having fully understood the lust for tube sound, I will nonetheless suggest the Jeff Rowland Design Group's Continuum S2 integrated amplifier. It is powerful, compact, beautiful and delicious. I was heavily influenced by Roy Gregory's review... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
Onhwy61 expressed my feelings on the matter perfectly.As I have watched this thread expand explosively to almost 100 reponses in 6 days, I keep wondering why there is so much being said about an amorphous, uncalibrated, utterly subjective and unim... 
New Yamaha a-s3000 and a-s2100 integrated amps ??
If only those guys at Yamaha knew what tweakers know about getting the most out of their equipment!They were able to design an excellent integrated amp in the case of the A-S2000 but came up just short of maxing it out by overlooking the miracles ... 
New Yamaha a-s3000 and a-s2100 integrated amps ??
My A-S2000 began sounding better than any amp ever made in the future as soon as I aimed it north and put Bolivian coffee grounds on the shelf under it. Uncanny!!!I tried Colombian and Ethiopian grounds without an overwhelming improvement. What is... 
You guys seem to be comparing guitars and ignoring the musicians. Most people in this hobby are entirely too price conscious.Just a couple of observations --- make what you will of them. 
Audiozen - have you any idea about comparison between JRDG Continuum S2 and the Peachtree X-1 aside from the fact that the Rowland costs twice as much? A cursory examination has them looking comparable. 
That's easy, Dan. Just pack up your Ayre and come on over. I'm retired now. Plenty of time to accommodate an audiophile friend. And you would have the opportunity to hear my horns. 
Don't want to be pennywise and pound foolish. Tim, I still have to guide you toward Rowland. Yes it is expensive and yes I have a pair of NCore to sell you instead but In good conscience I have to say that Jeff has been selling his stuff worldwide... 
Beatlebum - I'm sorry to have to disappoint you but I just don't subscribe to the power cord thing at all. I'm not saying they don't have the potential to alter the sound, as many a person swears by them. My feeling is that Jeff Rowland is as capa... 
My guess is Tim is looking for the amplifier counterpart of his speakers. Since he has no use for a preamp, I suppose that would mean he wants extremely cost-effective more than low priced. Additionally, I would imagine that he is looking for a so... 
Tim - When choosing your next amplifier, you might find that the Rowland is a wiser choice for a number of reasons. In my own experience, I was able to realize a very significant upgrade by moving from Hypex NC 400 monos to the stereo Continuum. I... 
Tim - A couple of corrections are in order. The JRDG Continuum S2 lists for $9500. You can have a phono card installed in the first input for and additional $350 OR you can have a DAC card installed in the first input slot for $450. You cannot cho... 
My apologies, everyone. I inadvertently (carelessly?) provided the wrong link in my las post above. The Roy Gregory review of the JRDG continuum S2 is linked here: hope ... 
Guido - You flatter me by suggesting I blog about my new amplifier. I have neither the hearing acuity, comparative experience or verbal flourish to carry forth a worthy monologue. I will instead refer interested parties to the opinions of Roy Greg...