
Responses from mike

Preamp Deal of the Century
Hi all. have been away from this forum for awhile. Just received my 2nd Cortese and it is even better than the last.Mick seems to have settle on only two tubes in the line stage. Not as much gain, but less tube noise thus less messing with fussy t... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Schacter, I had the same problem with my Cortese. the solution (and necessary move to eliminate noise) was to place Pwr Supply on the floor next to the rack. You want the Pwr Supply (and for that matter any other strong magnetic-field producing de... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Jwu5918, my friend has a Cortese and he is uning PS300 for his digital front end. the Cortese is plugges straight into the wall.I used to use a PS600 and found that even though it was providing its wom "new" current, that plugging directly into th... 
MMF-7 or MMF-5 Music Hall consideration?
I was recently reintroduced to vinyl as a result fo acquiring the Supratek Cortese pre with phono stage. I ordered the MM7 because 1) it has been highly praised in its price range (I didn't want to put a lot of $ in, as I have no vinyl invvestment... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Jimyork, The more he builds the of us are telling the world what a great pre it is and the more he gets behind in his production, guess the bod has to come with the good. Try the Symposium Roller Block Jrs. they work wonderful under my Cortese. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Where do you get these special tubes you guys are refering to? As I'm writing this, I'm listening to vinyl and it is astonishing! Even though between cuts I can hear these damn tubes crackling away. But when Louis Armstrong blows into that horn, o... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Betcha, I am using my new Cotese with Spectral DMA360 mono blocks and they work GREAT together.The Supra pre-s have all the necessary gain to drive anything and due to being transformer coupled outputs, there shouldn't be any impedance mismatches.... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Well, the Cortese arrived and I am speachless! But let me try to share my total and complete joy with any of you who may still be sitting on the fense. GET OFF THE FENSE AND ORDER THIS THING. Never had I heard music reproduction that is so REAL. E... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I've been following all the postings on the Mick's gear and haven't wanted to ad anything until now. I am expecting delivery anyday of my Cortese. Tonight I will be praying for delivery tomorrow-weekend coming and you know what I'd rather be doing... 
Avalon Symbol speakers
I believe the price per pair is around $3500 now. Had the opportunity to live with a pair of Symbols next to my Eidolons for 2 + weeks. Without going to extremes to find the most ideal placement in room, these beauties shined!Imaging and sound sta...