
Responses from mikexxyz

Finding the 'weakest link' when upgrading?
@geoffkait - I see that you’ve given me the benefit of the doubt by calling me a “pseudo” skeptic. No need.  I’m a real skeptic. ;-) 
Finding the 'weakest link' when upgrading?
I love the cognitive dissonance routinely expressed here. When you read the recommendation to “trust you ears” what they really mean is trust your eyes. Once you see the 0.25” thick CNC milled front panel and silky smooth control knobs, you’ll k... 
Finding the 'weakest link' when upgrading?
The reason that folks talk about a hierarchy of component contribution to sound quality is that it sets expectations on what degree of improvement is possible. It also relates to your theory of constraints question in that something like a DAC cou... 
20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017
@photon46 - I was reading another forum today and there was a reference to this old article on Tom’s H/W re: a blind audio test they performed. Its a perspective from outside the audio world although the conclusions are not as dramatic as the Stra... 
20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017
@hikmer - how did you determine that the caps needed to be replaced on your CJ? Was there a physical clue like bulging or leaking of electrolyte or did the SQ change?  
When is your Hifi good enough?
The audiophile challenge is to get the most music (synergy) out of your system regardless of its price point. So, to the OP’s question, how do you know when you’ve done that? To me, you’re done when the big changes no longer result in a more mus... 
What is your favorite budget audio component?
SoundPath RCA Audio Interconnect Cable @ $50/ pair by SVSound.No burn in required, just great neutral sound from the beginning. 
Who has heard the new Pass XA25?
I’ve auditioned the XA25 in my listening room driving Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M speakers. This is a very nice amp. Its actual power belies the modest spec sheet but I think that is typical of Pass Labs, especially in low impedance situations. ... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Lots of great music recommendations to explore which is really the basis of this hobby. Thanks.Although I am not a classical music aficionado, the one recording I never tire of hearing is “Horowitz in Moscow”, Deutsche Grammophon 419 499-2. I pref... 
The best tweaks EVER..
@chrshanl37 That’s funny. ;-) 
Lowering the noise floor
I agree with the goal of reducing background noise to allow your system to be at its best. I tried a DSP product last month but rejected it for several reasons. One, it significantly increased the noise floor hum. This might have been related t... 
Room acoustics
A quote from Franco Serblin, Sonus Faber founder and speaker designer - He found the search for perfect bass futile. "When you want more bass, you miss it; when you have it, it disturbs you." Read more at https://www.stereophile.com/content/sonus-... 
Room acoustics
There is no need to convince me of the importance of room in the hierarchy of 2 channel stereo sound quality. I’ve been pondering this room mode problem for several weeks now reading authors like Floyd Toole, Todd Welti, S. Linkwitz, and Nyal Mell... 
Upgrading form Pass integrated amplifier to a better one
Speaking of money. I don’t think you could do better than what you have (Int-250) although I know it's hard to be satisfied in this hobby. 
What makes you build a system around an amplifier?
Erik: People who do surveys for a living know how difficult they are because the way you ask the question often shapes the answer given. First, I think it is unlikely that a significant number of people start over from scratch when putting toget...