
Responses from mirolab

B&W 801 Matrix or JBL L150
Old thread, but I’ll bump it..... My main favorite speakers for over 20yrs now have been my Matrix 801 Series2’s, which I bought used for $2200. Over the years I’ve tried many times to replace them, only to return to them. I’m so glad I never got ... 
Speaker Width?
OK.... so I have read all the posts so far..... It's a small LIVING room for gosh sakes!!  This guy is NOT going to pull the speakers 2 feet into the room.  Any he's NOT going to ditch his hot and/or rich girlfriend... what are you nuts?  And you ... 
Klipsch!. The worst speaker company, EVER?
There's a reason why comments are disabled on the video the OP referred to....  Too many people would disagree with him.  Mr. Rossi Audio clearly has no room in his world for any opinion but his own.  
One Amp To ‘Rule’ Them All....
One amp that has a great reputation in both home hi-fi and pro studio monitoring installations is the Bryston 4B, in all it's revisions over the years.  I have an old 4B-ST, and a 4B-SST2.  Believe it or not, they each sound quite different from e... 
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?
B&W Matrix 801-S2'sI've owned many speakers over the years (i'm 53) and I bought these used in 1997 for $2200. I've tried several times to replace them with other speakers in the 5k-10k price range, and they've all left me unsatisfied.  I'm no... 
Why so many used focals?
A couple years ago, I was enamored with the idea of the Electra 1038Be's for ~$10k, after hearing them at a show.  Then I heard them at a local dealer and A/B'd them with the Aria 948's (only $5k).  I actually preferred the liveliness and transien... 
Why so many wilson alexias for sale
"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."   I never understood the literal translation of that saying, but it seems like like an appropriate time to use it.  Wilson is a high quality product that I never really liked.  They are dry, clinical, and bo... 
Nature of the current used speaker market
The 3 speaker pairs that i've owned for 15-20 years, and still love, have 10", 12" and 15" woofers.  I have tried several times to replace them with more modern designs with 6.5", 7", and 8" pairs of woofers... you know, the slender tower type, an... 
Emotiva equipmet, how good is it?
My only experience was with purchasing their XMC-1 pre/pro and thank goodness for their return policy.  It was simply unlistenable to me.  I did not want to be in the same room with the sound of it... And that's trying both its D/A conversion, and... 
Your Forever Pieces? What and Why?
My Sota Sappire, purchased used in 1987.   It's still amazing!And my beloved B&W 801-series2's.  I've tried many times to replace them, and i keep coming back to them. I've upgraded all of the crossover capacitors over the years, and re-orient... 
What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?
How about a lower speaker stand, and then tilting the speakers back?  Lowering a speaker 3-4 inches can reinforce the bass, and also change drastically the frequency of the null you get from floor bounce.  You'll need to tilt them back though, to ... 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
My last speaker shopping endeavor about a year ago, was A/Bing the Focal Electra 1038 ($10k) to the Aria 948 ($5k)....  Switching between them side by side, I actually preferred the Aria 948 at half the price... they were more dynamic & lively... 
Accuracy vs. musicality
It takes time to evaluate!  I've tried many times to replace my 25yr old B&W 801-S2's, only to get rid of the newer "better" speakers (at a loss) and go back to using my old 801's.  No, they're NOT perfect... and there are certain things that ... 
Using a Studio EQ for Vinyl playback
Teo_audio.....  I would agree with you on a theoretical level... if I were playing back audiophile pressings.   When I do play well mastered LPs.. or newly remastered pressings, I bypass the EQ and it sounds fantastic.  I will pose it to you again... 
Using a Studio EQ for Vinyl playback
So chakster.... I DO have an excellent system that sounds amazing with well recorded and well mastered recordings.  Sorry, but I disagree with you.  I have many LPs that do NOT sound great, but have great music on them. (I have around 2500 LPs)  T...