
Discussions morgandogge has started

McIntosh MC352 lamp replacement75414
Stream xmradio from PC to Preamp15992
Compare Parasound 2100 vs. Parasound P3 preamps87177
B&W 803S Speakers14461
Parasound HCA-2200II Runs Very Hot46118
What Spade Size to Use on B&W 803S Binding Posts57543
Audible Illusions Modulus 3 and Rogue M-120 Okay?680015
Rogue Magnum M-120 Loses Volume at Power Up23205
Is Solid State Preamp and Tube Amp A Good Combo?673812
Does McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe Take Banana Plugs?26384
Using McCormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe as Mono Amps1389414
McCormack TLC-1 Output Jacks32655
Solid State Version of Tube McIntosh C22034415
Bryston BP-25 BP25 or Classe 47.5?32333
B&K Ref 200.2 Amp and Ref 5 S2 v2.09 Preamp33282