Best Inexpensive DAC

In the last 12 months I have mananged to purchase a used ML27.5, used ML38S and a new pair of Thiel 2.4. I am broke, but I can't stand listening to my old Denon CD player form 1992. I do have a coax digital out on the unit, so I thought of purchasing an interim inexpensive DAC to get me by until I can get something a little better. Any suggestions?
I had a CAL Alpha and after I got over the liquid highs and great soundstage I began to realize that it just isn't very dynamic or involving. I'm currently a fan of Meridian DACs--a used 563 is now a budget piece and also lets you switch between four digital inputs. Much more involving than the CAL. I heard a heavily modded Perp Tech and I thought it was bloodless. You can go nuts trying to find a budget DAC which has it all but I concur with the Bel Canto and benchmark recommendations at a slightly higher price point. I'm intrigued by the raves the Scott Nixon pieces have garnered.
Aragon D2A MkII with seperate IPS power supply. It's old but it's a fantastic sounding unit.

I got the Electro Visionary Systems Millennium DAC by Ric Schultz ($300.00). It is an excellent DAC for the price but it does not have the upsampler. Check it out there is one available in Audiogon.