
Responses from musicrover

Do powercords make a difference in sound?
Liguy: "power supplies do not require fancy power cords" Your statement maybe true for equipment to function however it does not eliminate the possibility of after market cords providing change in sound good our bad. Is this not what the original ... 
Morrow MA3 interconnects
Equipment:Portal Panache Int.Arcam FMJ23 cdpSoliloquy 5.3 Speakers 
Morrow MA3 interconnects
I purchased them used from a third party, They could need additional time, I also own KCI firefly IC and they do many things well but I prefer the top end of the MA3's. I will keep listing and see what happens. 
"Great RCA interconnects under $100?"
Blue Jeans Cable, Acoustic research. 
Integrated amp and low sensitivity speakers
Thanks for the advice, I will re-evaluate my speaker choice and get back out and take another listen. 
Integrated amp and low sensitivity speakers
I did think of that Unsound, and have auditioned speakers, However in the audition process the speakers are powered by equipment well above my budget. At this point I am thinking of purchasing a well rounded int. amp and purchasing used speakers I... 
Integrated amp and low sensitivity speakers
Speakers considered but not limited to (Most likely monitors but may move to floor standing at later date):TotemVon SchweikertPSBMonitor audioSoliloquy 
Integrated or speakers
Correction, CDP was modified by Reference Audio. 
Integrated or speakers
Tls49, Yes The Yamaha has those snazzy spring clips we all like. The speakers are the originals with new tweeters, I updated the crossovers as well. 
Integrated or speakers
My current system:Yamaha A–500 Integrated (I think it’s from the 80’s?)Rega p1 TTToshiba CDP with modifications by Response Audio. This thing is just amazing. Dynaco A-25 Speakers with SEAS Prestige tweetersDIY speaker standsThis system does a nic... 
Man between two eras
Added info on equipment I am looking at:UsedRega Brio or miraMusical Fidelity A300Bryston Not sureArcam FMJ 22 ?VintageYamaha CR 2040Pioneer SX 980 and aboveMarantz not sureSansui AU 717, 919 
Updated system need your suggestions
Your right Niktunner, I have some components on the way and give some feedback. At this stage I was looking for any glaring weakness in the equipment listed besides what has been offered to date. Always appreciate the time members take to respond. 
Updated system need your suggestions
Thank you all so far for the input. Not thrilled with a use of a sub and prefer floorstanding speakers. I am curious that most of the posts relate to speakers I am all ears for suggestions for additional Int. amps and speakers. (Terrible pun). 
The times have savaged my system
Sorry guys, Wanted to credit Reference Audio Mods for the Toshiba modification. 
$59 PC Options
It can be a vicious cycle. IMO cables are the icing on the cake for a system. I have tried several combinations of PC and IC with varying results. Some good, some really good and others… well, not so good. Change is not always a good thing but I d...