
Responses from nferre66

Do you clean your records before play, after play, or once (and then never again)?
For record cleaning, I have two vacuum units- a KAB EV-1 that uses our home vacuum for suction ($169) and a VPI 16.5 ($700 but I know a dealer that discounts them.)All records get a deep clean using the KAB. The VPI is used as a maintenance/before... 
Class D Technology
@seanheis1 Of course you can compare the two. And your answer tells me that you are falling into the same trap I did. Yes, the Emotiva had more power, switchable Class A, etc. It also doesn't sound all that great.I was making a point that you can ... 
Class D Technology
@seanheis1 Emotiva and Rogue is more compatible price wise than you stated. If you are looking at top of the line seperates, the monoblocks are $2398 a pair, and the preamp is $999- excluding holiday sales. So you are looking at $3397, a whopping ... 
Class D Technology
@mapman I totally agree with the above statement. I'll also point out that Magnepan themselves say on their website to avoid Class D. That's why i purchased TOTL Emotiva seperates. I was confident that the dealer where I purchased the Maggies carr... 
Class D Technology
@mr_m I bought mine with upgraded tubes and had a bunch of upgraded power cords around. You are right. Amazing. 
Class D Technology
Thanks for the posts @mr_m and @mapman At least I know I'm not nuts. Three friends have come over and their reactions are all the same- once they pick their jaws up off the floor, they all want a Pharoah. One has already ordered his and is awaitin... 
Class D Technology
I purchased a pair of Maggies earlier this year, and a pair of Emotiva XPA-1 monoblocks to drive them. While the performance was good, I had a feeling I could do better.Posts like some of the above kept me from trying Class D. Magnepan themselves ... 
Can you leave class D amps on and not ever turn them off?
I'm running a Rogue Audio Pharaoh integrated. It's a hybrid- tube preamplifier and Class D power amplification. It also has two power switches. The front switch controls the preamplifier. The rear switch (meant to be left on at all times unless ch...