
Responses from nyctc7

Your Favorite TIDAL Playlists?
I created the following 70s and 80s playlists based on year-end Billboard Hot 100 and from http://www.playlistresearch.com1970 
When does non-delivery become a crime?
Just to mention that death does not cancel one's debts. Your estate becomes responsible for your debts. The executor or administrator of your estate becomes responsible for paying the debts. Of course if you die broke then there is no estate and a... 
Most overrated audio manufacturers?
As far as being overrated, only Bose comes to mind, as far as what the general public thinks. But I can't really come up with anything else. As to overpriced, well, that's a different story.I have no doubt that Goldmund products are well-engineere... 
What is your favorite 1 hit wonder from the 70's?
For an interesting discussion of what constitutes a one hit wonder, see and scroll down to 'Questions of definition'Anyway, a thread after my own heart, my pre-teen and teen years were during the 70s and... 
YouTube Favorites to share.
My fave Grateful Dead on YouTube a little comic relief, meant to put this at the end of my Tom Jones post above (wish we could edit posts): 
YouTube Favorites to share.
Still Lovin' Shirley Bassey...keeping with a Welsh theme, How about some Tom Jones clips (most recent at American Idol finale) 1965 1974 
Shirley Bassey is realy something
1970 marked a transition for Bassey from traditional pop (standards, show tunes, torch songs) to more contemporary pop. My favorite albums are probably the first four of these, 'Something', 'Something Else', 'I Capricorn', and 'And I Love You So'.... 
Shirley Bassey is realy something
I could kick myslef for not discovering her earlier as I live in NYC and she played here a lot in the past, but she seems to have retired from touring, only making occasional appearances at charity or other special events where she'll sing three s... 
Shirley Bassey is realy something
I "discovered" Shirley Bassey a couple of years ago and just flipped for her. Not only is she a great singer and performer, but she also oozes sex appeal from every pore of her body. 1968http://www.youtub... 
Is Monster cable getting better?
Sonic-wise I thought the Monster M2.4s speaker cable compared very favorably to the similarly priced Purist Audio Musaeus. Build quality-wise I thought the Musaeus a bit better. So I think Monster quite capable of making good-sounding cables, but ... 
What did you own in the 60's?
EJ Korvettes Urban Legend see the mid 1960s to the mid 1980s My parents had a really cheap KLH system. But they had pretty cool taste in music--mostly bebop jazz. I, however, gravitated towar... 
Audiophile speakers that rock well
Krell Resolution 3. I've owned a pair for five years. They can rock. The 8" woofer gives an added weight that many monitors with smaller drivers don't have. Excellent power handling with the Resolution 3, and you want that with a rockin' speaker. ... 
MBL speakers
mbl 7008. My local dealer said that they will drive the 116's. New, I think it is overpriced, but used, I think it is a good buy. 
Upgrading Rotel RCD-1072
I went from a 1072 to a Linn Majik. I agree that "The Rotel is a tough cookie to beat w/o dropping some dinero". There is one on Audiogon ("never used") for 1.8k from an authorized dealer. I'm happy with the change, but no doubt the 1072 is a grea... 
If money were no object, what would be in your rig
Top-of-the-line Goldmund in a dedicated room. Works for both music and movies.