
Responses from perrew

Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
So when are you trying the best one ?:-) 
Best Integrated, period.
Argyro, I agree:-)But at least I bought one of the ones I asked about two years ago and heard all of them plus some more. And Im not about to change yet. 
Best Integrated, period.
Lavezzi71, Im guessing you never heard the APL amp. Baryshnikov vs. Elephant. 
Best Rock Album in 2010
Bill Kiss released new in 2009, so they just missed this thread:-)I got the Broken Bells album though, its very nice! 
Best Rock Album in 2010
Bill, come on Broken Bells are soft pop, Im talking ROCK!!! here:-) 
Best Rock Album in 2010
Tbromgard, which album is that, KOL coming out with à new in 2010, nice because there 2008 was my favorite that year. 
Monitor speaker that will stop the Quest?
Im banging my head with these ones but they are so good they deserve a LOT more attention. Irrespective of the definition of floor stander or monitors, they are placed on stand but are quite large, they are the finest speakers I have heard period ... 
With $20,000 in your hand, what speaker would you
I would buy the APL Gravitas NB-1s, they have outperformed all the other speakers I have audiotioned, including the MBL101's with 9008/9011 and Magico V2/V3 with DartZeel. 
Puccini+Uclock vs APL NWO 4.0 SE vs PD MPS-5
Wow the PD is impressive it has made no noice since 04-18-10, its completely silent:-) 
Puccini+Uclock vs APL NWO 4.0 SE vs PD MPS-5
Somehow, Im not convinced that a thread drive is the best for a device that constantly changes speed, I see it as a better alternative for a turntable system that keeps speed constant? 
Puccini+Uclock vs APL NWO 4.0 SE vs PD MPS-5
When I was looking for à digital source I auditionef some of the biggest combos from some of the biggest brands, among the were MBL and Weiss, nothing was close to the NWO-3.0-SE. The 4.0-SE is significantly better than the 3.0-SE and IMHO cant be... 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
The APL NWO-4.0-SE doesnt use any low pass filters and is phase-linear in the audio range, it uses the second generation 32 bit AKM devices and has 20 differential DACs per channel.From what I can see the GTE uses OpAmps, and the NWO has a Differe... 
lessloss blackbody
Rainer, fantastic looking showroom!, can you describe the dedicated PC you are using? 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Murataltuev, you should really try to hear it, I dont think you will be dissapointed:-) 
Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?
Murataltuev,the Focal have sort of unnatural sound from glass foam cone and the ASR is sort of transitorized grainy in some sense, so that might result in some of the findings but it is/was still not so imminent with the other sources I heard toge...