
Responses from peterb

Transmission line speakers
This is funny !Owned the B&W DM2A in the mid 70's, and replaced them in 1978 with........IMF TLS50Mk2's !The listening room I had, was too small for these speakers, so I moved on to Elipson B1303's in 1980. 
Can you identify this cable
Van den Hul never used silver RCA's, nor skinny wires..... 
Vintage B&W DM2a's comments wanted
I owned the DM-2a's many years ago (late 70's). Though they were not bad, these speakers invited me very soon to move up to a level of higher quality.... 
Contacting Crystal Cable??
A week ago I have sent them an e-mail (address and got response within two days.... 
Jazz at the Pawn Shop...
It's a very good recording from a Scandinavian jazz club. The music is leaning towards dixieland, old style jazz. 
Passive pre with class ''D'' power amps, issues ??
I'm using a Bent NOH with Kharma MP-350 monoblocks; flawless performance. 
Some questions about Kharma Exquisite Reference
Kharma is using the MP-350 monoblocks with their flagship Exquisite Grands. Driving the Ref's will be no problem at all. 
Some questions about Kharma Exquisite Reference
My listening room has about the same size as yours (the ceiling is even lower).I'm using a pair of Kharma Exquisite Mini's with the Kharma MP350 monoblocks. Great combination to my ears. 
Kharma Exquisite 350 monos
My system: APL NWO 3.0 GO-SE, Bent NOH passive, Kharma 350 and Kharma Exquisite Mini's. Cabling: Kharma Enigma and PAD Proteus.I don't see a reason why the 350's should not perform in your system. 
Kharma Exquisite 350 monos
I own these babies 2 years now (replacing Lamm M1.1 mono's).Flawless performance, that makes you forget technical issues, so you can focus on the music. 
Class D question...............
Neutral, not sweet or edgy. For me the best so far. 
help me with the name....
From the UK, it's likely the Mitchell GyroDec..... 
Best Digital Source That Money Can Buy?
SME 20
Ken,SME20 is the original model turntable (from 1992)without arm. The SME20A is the same, including the SME V arm.5 years later came the SME20/2 with improved power supply and motor.I own the 20A. No starting or speed problems, however.Regards,Peter 
Questions about Preamp Tubes
After the initial breaking in period (of the preamp), the sound will be fine for 5000 - 10000 hours of playing.When the tubes are nearing the end of their life, you will hear them fade away (more noise).Replacing them after a few years won't cost ...