
Responses from photon46

Need Recommendations for Amp/Pre or Integrated
Jim, while I haven't heard the Stratos, it seems to be very well regarded. In an integrated, the Plinius 8200 is an excellent choice. If you want separates, I'd have to recommend the new PS Audio HCA-2 power amp as a strong candidate. I bought one... 
Stacking OK????
My rack offers similar challenges. I made an isolation platform that goes between my dac and transport. Double thickness of mdf with a layer of thin rubber between the two layers (roofing membrane.) The two layers of mdf are screwed together to co... 
DH Labs Q10 or Analysis Plus Oval 9?
You can audition the Analysis + with little risk by ordering through Audio Advisor. They give a 30 day trial, money back if not happy, no questions asked. I ended up keeping the Oval 9's. Will. 
Belles 150A or Hot Rod
The Hot Rod version has a small identification plate on the back designating it as such. 
Magnepan SMGa
Maxwell, I owned a SMGa pair for ten years before uprgrading. I found them not to have the last word in frequency extension at both ends of the spectrum, but they had a marvelous "rightness" in the midrange. They also won't rock your world regardi... 
Most eye-opening upgrade and what you learned
A minor epiphany occured when I upgraded from Kimber 4tc speaker cable to Analysis Plus Oval 9. Then, I tried bi- wiring the Magneplanar 1.6's using both the Kimber & Oval 9's. Even better. Swapping the 9s & 4tc between woofer & quasir... 
lucinda williams & elvis costello on cmt
Keep an eye out for a repeat broadcast, it was a VERY fine collaboration. Lucinda was singly extremely well with her wonderful mixture of grittiness and vulnerability. The show was excellent in every respect. 
Stereophile Music Reviews
FWIW, I don't think the fact that the music reviewed is from an "unknown" is any reason to be dismissive. I have been turned on to any number of unknowns via Stereophile's reviews that turned out to be real gems IMHO. I read their reviews precisel... 
Cable, hi-fi neophyte lost in Space
Your tastes, sonically speaking, seem to be similar to my own. I'm also using a Belles HR 150a a tubed pre, and Kimber 4tc. Kimber is a great value, whether 4 or 8 tc. I recently bought Analysis Plus Oval 9 and now use the Kimber & the A+ Oval... 
Hi-fi CDP vs. DAC + entry CDP
Monkeyking, like Sean says, it's hard to give hard & fast rules here. I wanted to upgrade my Cambridge CD4se and after some comparisons, bought an Assemblage 2.7 Platinum dac to use with the Cambridge. This combo produces much better sound tha... 
Heat Shrink Tubing - How ???
Sugarbrie, I've found a small $20.00 heat gun like you buy at a hardware store works much better than a hair drier. Hair driers I've tried don't generate enough heat. 
cambridge or nad preamp
Trip, Sugarbrie's advice parallels my experience with preamps. I went from an Adcom gtp-400 preamp to a Cambridge c500 & the Cambridge was much better. This was with an Adcom amp & Maggie 1.6's. Then I got a Belles 150a Hot Rod amp & f... 
Is my dealer lying to me?
I'm not so sure that Cambridge has recieved the degree of disdain in this forum you describe. Many here have recommended them as a decent budget player. Sure, the cosmetics, programming, and ergonomics aren't the greatest, but they hold their own ... 
Digital Cables in Cambridge Audio D500
Gil, I have been very pleased with the Aural Symphonics bnc/bnc digital cable I bought from to use between my Cambridge cd4se & Assemblage 2.7 Platinum dac. They retailed for about $160.00 and are going for $25.00 on sale. 
Replace Cambridge Audio D500 or add DAC?
Gil, I faced the same question with my Cambridge cd4se. I purchased one of Sonic Frontiers Assemblage 2.7 platinum dacs ($1298.00) and have been very satisfied with the upgrade. It took the player to an entirely different level of refinement. Good...