
Responses from poorguy

Vandersteen or REL or.......?????? Think small
How about REL Q400E/Q401E? Are they musical with punchy? 
has anyone heard the de-capos.
I believe 2 ft from the side walls are not far enough. Please just forget the equilateral triange for a while, and move your N805 far away the side walls. I guess 4- ft would be pretty good. De Capos are more musical, but have a bump around 700Hz ... 
B&W Speaker Selection Help-Maybe Amp help
I'd buy N805 rather than N804. 
Which monitor speakers are the most detailed...
Verity Audio Parisfal Encore Monitor. 
Has anyone else ever reached an audio impasse?
Thank all of you for providing the valuable suggestions.Thank BWhite for giving this question. 
Has anyone else ever reached an audio impasse?
I considered too much liquid as coloration. That's why I misunderstood Supratek Syrah as a SET power amps.=> SET preamp & SET amp.= too much liquid!? Without auditioning C-J's ART, I was not aggressive to say ART was not neutral enough. Esp... 
Has anyone else ever reached an audio impasse?
Maybe LP will have the improvement you want. 
Has anyone else ever reached an audio impasse?
I think Supratek SET amps drive Dynaudio Consequenses is not a good idea. Having a SET drive a difficult load speaker will restrict the performance of SET. 
Has anyone else ever reached an audio impasse?
Can you distinguish different brands of the same musical instrument?Which source component sounded more continuous?What preamp & power amps are you using? 
Speakers for Classical Music
Joseph Audio's RM33Si- Accurate & can be driven by tube amps. 
Tube amps driving low sensitivity speakers
It depends on how many output tubes. 
Potentiometers: Ladder, Series, etc....
Please check this:http://www.goldpt.com/compare.html 
Tube amps driving low sensitivity speakers
Speaker's impedance counts. 
Can someone tell me what this song is??
Vivaldi: The 4 seasons. 
Stay W/B&W 805's or goto a bigger speaker
What are your problems?