
Responses from rmasoni

What is an excellent power cable?
I've tried several and at first, Nordost Valhalla2 was the best i could hear in my system . . . until i tried Verastarr Statement, which blew away the Nordost!! 
Maybe looking at the following to replace my Magico S-5 MK 1
If you want music, without edge and NO loss of resolution and dynamics, you should consider Rockport Atria, or if you can afford Avior. 
Getting into tubes
If you want the BEST, why don't you give Berning a call and order his one-off push-pull 6B4G, pure class A.  This is the amp he uses in his rig with the Merlins.  If you want more power, he'll build the same amp but with 300Bs.  You can order it a... 
Picking a Tube integrated amp
The Pathos Acoustics Inpol2 is in a totally different league than all the above integrateds mentioned.  Pure class A, balanced from input to output, uses tubes for input voltage gain, MOSFETS for output current gain. First introduced in 2006, it i... 
Picking a Tube integrated amp
Far better than anything discussed above - Pathos Acoustics Inpol2 flagship integrated, pure class A, fully balanced. 
Which integrated amp?
check out Pathos Inpol2 - pure class a and in a different league than all on your list.  See the "other" site for availability! 
Member's recommendations for tube amplification
David,  glad that was helpful.  This is the same amp Berning uses (in the 6B4G configuration) in this personal system . . . and he is driving 87db speakers. The reason these are "affordable" is because he builds them in his own shop, cosmetics be ... 
Member's recommendations for tube amplification
Call David Berning directly and ask him to tell you about his 300B or 6B4G push-pull amp that he builds on request.  It is spectacular. His ZOTL circuitry, fully balanced, Class A.  He included 47 step Goldpoint attenuator when he built mine - so ... 
Gryphon Diablo 300: at the top of Integrated Amps?
There has been no mention of the Vitus SIA 025, which in my opinion is the best solid state integrated made.  A dealer friend of mine was looking to pick up either the Gryphon or Vitus lines, listened to them and chose VItus based on a wonderful, ... 
New Class A/B under $6K, your recommendation?
I'm prepared to sell my Pathos Acoustics Inpol2 pure Class A Integrated amp for $3950. Mint with NOS Mullard input tubes/MOSFET output.  It is still Pathos' flagship integrated, $13K new, and in a totally different league than all the above . . .  
Sonic qualities of SET output tubes?
Dumping the output transformer is the key to getting the very best out of tubes.  I have a David Berning pp 300B integrated that puts out 20-25 w pure Class A drives my Rockport Aviors (89.5 db) with ease. The sound is absolutely stunning with Gen... 
Amps/Preamps for Rockport Aviors
Contrary to what some posters are saying, the Aviors are relatively easy to drive with a 90db sensitivity and nominally 4 ohm load.  They dip to 3.1 in one or two spots, but have generally smooth impedance curve. As i indicated, the 25w class A of... 
Amps/Preamps for Rockport Aviors
I've been driving my Aviors with the very rare and wonderful Pathos Inpol2 Integrated amp with NOS Mullard tubes used on the input stage and MOSFET on the output - 45W pure class A.  The only thing i've heard as good is the Vitus SIA-25, which is ... 
Best DAC for CD redbook playback from a PS Audio Perfectwave transport
This is easy - the very best you can get is the Stahltek Vekian, or Opus, or Opus Prime DACs.  Unfortunately, all are megabuck.  But you can rarely pick up a used Stahltek for something in the vicinity of 10K. The Aria is more affordable and give ...