
Responses from robd2

My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
@whitecamaross long time follower of your great thread. Have you ever tried any B&W speakers? Maybe something like the newer 802d3. I’ve always been curious as to how these compare to some of your more expensive speakers. 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Can I put in a review request for 2 Luxman 900 amps running as mono blocks? : )))) 
Upgrade bug - advice on amp or preamp upgrade from Ayre for Revel speakers?
The Ultra line is good, as is a lot of your gear. I have some ideas for you but so I don't give you bad info tell us a little more about your problems and feel free to use instrument descriptions so we can have some fun with this. Is it all instru... 
Upgrade bug - advice on amp or preamp upgrade from Ayre for Revel speakers?
2 questions for you:1. What level Transparent cables are you running? The low to mid tier models can muffle a high end system as they are trying to smooth out the sound for lower tier gear.2. Do you leave your Ayre gear on 24/7? It tends to need t... 
How to pick a COMPATIBLE phono cartridge
Great thread and info guys. Al could you expand on this item a little further with another example or two? Maybe a good and bad senario?"4)The relation between cartridge output and phono stage signal-to-noise ratio is what primarily determines the... 
Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates
The Mac c47 is a good piece, I actually own one. A benefit you also get a decent DAC and an "ok" phono. I'd love to hear about a comparison of it vs your Pass phono. : )I bet you can find a dealer within an hour or 2 that has a c47 you can in home... 
Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates
Just for fun do some research on the bigger VAC "instruments". 
Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates 
Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates
Where are you located? It really is best to work with a dealer who lets you take home gear for in home demo. I've actually set a rule for myself that I can't by any expensive gear without hearing it in my system first as system synergy is very ver... 
Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates
This looks to be an easy decision to me. I would look for a dedicated line stage as your next step. Do you want new or is used ok? Remember you will need  
Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates
@asp307 I too was once an integrated only guy. I felt the synergy of a 1 box solution and the ability to avoid complications with an extra interconnect outweighed the benefits of seperates. I was completely wrong.... : ) you will never look back f... 
Tube preamp recommendations $3K-$7K range
Maybe go back to some of the blue meters you remember with a McIntosh c2300 or even c2600? 
Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates
Remember XLR does not equal balanced. Two seperate, but related, items. Are you saying you have 6k to buy seperates or 3k to spend on your next upgrade? 
Pro-ject 12 xtension TT vs Meridian 808.2 CD player..and the winner is!
I repeated my same shootout last night. Brothers in Arms Mofi 45 LP vs the CD layer of the 20th anniversary SACD masters by Bob Ludwig. This was a great exercise as I just installed a new preamp/phono, a VAC Signiture SE : ))))) this compare reall... 
Pro-ject 12 xtension TT vs Meridian 808.2 CD player..and the winner is!
BiA doesn't get any better than this: