
Responses from rysa4

Speaker upgrade help needed: 4500$ used
Silverline Sonata 3 used if you can find them. I listened to them at CES 2005 and they were AWESOME.The list was around 7000 if I remember correctly. They were ahead of the VS 4Jr, Usher 6311, Gallo Ref 3s, Green Mountain Callistos and a host of o... 
B&W 705 or Sonus Faber Concerto / Concertino
Well I auditioned both of these speakers last year very closely. The SF concerto and concetino are different models, as you know.I'd go with the SF Concerto personally. But in the scale of things, I didnt find the gaps between these choices to be ... 
Best Speakers below $1000 for my needs
Out of your three in your original post, having sampled all three brands fairly intently, I'd go with the Dynaudio Contour 1.4s. ( They were at 1.3s last time I auditioned them.)The Green Mountain Callistos I listened to at CES were awesome, altho... 
Jazz-suited speakers for an Arcam amp?
I have the Soliloquy 5.3is and run with a Sugden amp. I have no desire to upgrade, even after attending CES 2005 and hearing some better ( and more expensive) speakers.I'd put the Soliloquy 5.3i ahead of the Von Scweikerts you mentioned but I have... 
Center Channel Recomendations
The Center Channel is key for HT. Phantom Center is a bad choice BTW. Anyway, the advice on timbre matching is good. Heres my take;1. Tweeters should be equal height across mains and center and ear level is not a bad thing either. Ideally, centers... 
Apple or PC?
Mac. I use the Powerbook 12 inch. It is 100% reliable. I also have Dells in my home and at work as well.Just get Microsoft Office, Apple Extreme, max the memory and get an 80GB hard drive. RockinAnd I tunes is pretty cool too. 
Meadowlark Blue Herron 2 vs. Usher 8871
Interesting- the meadowlark line up at CES was among the least impressive I heard.Agree with the rec for Gallos and Green Mountian though--havent heard the Dunlavy. 
Best used speakers under $3,500?
Sorry. Didnt mean to offend at all. It isnt that one person would be moving; its that many people would be sitting in different places. The audio experience is quite different with the Vandys depending on where you sit. Soundstage tends to be much... 
Best used speakers under $3,500?
I have enjoyed reading this thrread. First off, I do not think that combining HT and 2 channel listening can give the best of both worlds. Whatever. I listened to many of these speakers at CES 2005 last month.1. The advice about you going and list... 
Anybody hear the Von Schweikert VR-4jr at CES?
I did hear them at CES. OPinions in the lunch area, where this was a topic of discussion at times, were mixed. However, I am on the positive side and felt that these sounded impressive overall for the pricepoint.Winners for me included, Gallo Refe... 
Amplifier suggestions for EE Minimax/Soliloquy 6.3
I have a Sugden Amplifier with my Soliloquy 5.3s. Works quite well it seems to me.As a 3 month old demo, it cost 1000 even with the phono stage. 
Meadowlark Blue Herron 2 vs. Usher 8871
I enjoyed the Usher 8 series at CES very much. I thought they were very dtnamic. The finnish was nice no problem.At the 8000 price point, I do prefer the Silverline Sonata 3, although I know this is not what you are asking. 
GMA - Europa, Europa Max, and Callisto?
I listened to the Callistos at CES. Very impressive. 
Meadowlark Kestrel II vs. Soliloquy 6.2
Might look at the Usher 6 series speakers in that price range or the Soliloquy 6.2. Both of those choices will get you where you want to go in all liklihood. 
Speaker Cable to pair with Soliloquy 5.3's
I use cobalt cables and am pleased with the result. I also like the lifetime no questions asked replacement guarantee that cobalt has and that I have used ( one of the ends bent).Internally, sols use Oval Plus wiring so perhaps matching with the s...