
Responses from rysa4

Question about video scalers
T_bone's last sentence hits the nail on the head concisely and accurately. 
Question about video scalers
Well. Whats happening is that Standard def material is being upscaled to fit a higher resolution fixed pixel display. Upscaling is technically difficult and a quality scaler DOES make a difference; however, you cannot create a picture better than ... 
Merlin VSM-mm's a good value at $3000 used?
Actually its a good thing that someone takes the time to talk about their speakers here on the forum. I wish more would. Its up to the individual reader to filter emotionality and see the meat of the discussion. Seems like a good thing, and what t... 
In the market for a plasma.........suggestions?
Actually, some of the online retailers offer better customer service as far as repair and returns than Brick and Mortar stores-- a large swathe of a general comment to be sure, but easy to assess-- ask any retailer wherever they may be, what their... 
panny 60u vs. 600u
Jaggies are often due to a DVD player moreso than a display. No diea what the source was in your viewing however. 
what do you put under your sub?
Auralex Gramma 
1080p an issue for now?
True 1080P displays can accept a native 1920 x 1080 deinterlaced signal. The only widely available content that is 1920 x 1080 are Hi Def DVDs, which have nothing to do with SACD or DVD-A by analogy, and are here to stay as a resolution. Cable/Sat... 
which technology really has the best picture
Actually plasmas perform better in the dark due to their contrast levels and ability to show shadow detail; an advantage lost in direct/ambient light. Also, in drker rooms glare is eliminated entirely.The best technology I have seen as far as PQ i... 
In the market for a plasma.........suggestions?
Whether or not LCD bulb changes are truely possible by a consumer or not is a matter of debate. Know anyone who has actually changed one?Burn in in plasma is basically a myth as far as current residential displays. LCds form of "burn in" is MUCH m... 
In the market for a plasma.........suggestions?
The commercial displays have outputs for two speakers so you can attach whatever you want if you dont want to fire up the separates. However, the speakers have to be pretty efficient as the watts per channel from the little amp that comes with is ... 
In the market for a plasma.........suggestions?
Hello and congrats on your plasma decision. Plasma is the optimum PQ technology these days, until SED displays make it to the mass market---if ever. DLPs suffer from color inaccuracy and essentially non-realistic PQ. The single color wheel DLPs by... 
Upgrading HT Receiver and Speakers
Howdy. Retailer two and four have the best HT combos out of that bunch in my opnion, except for the sub. I'd go woth 2 or 4 but tkae that rel sub out of number 1 and put it into one of the other two options. 
Does LG still plan to release a combo player
Turk- Well they are still planning to release one as far as I know. But guess what?... My sense is the whole thing is losing steam rather quickly, despite all the flap.. just a guess... its gonna take quite awhile for any adoption or mass interest... 
Any news about new DD/DTS upgrade on HDDVD?
Ears- I dont disagree with anything you are saying. But the Blue Ray players are going to have their own set of issues the first time out as well. They will be different. But there will be issues.... 
Any news about new DD/DTS upgrade on HDDVD?
EARs, in line 4 you meant to use the word " coaxial" instead of analog 3rd word from the end I think. I am only pointing this out so others dont get confused.