
Responses from schubert

Threat of fire from audio equipment
I might leave  SS on 24/7 but as I live in a condo I have no right to put other in harms way no matter how small the risk .To do so with tubes is a outright crime ! 
Is anything better than the Accuphase T-100?
The signal over Jazz 88.5 in Minneapolis is better than any CDP under a thousand bucks . Perhaps because their Tascams cost a lot more than that .PBS Classical will stand up with any 500 $ CDP .Both stations have superb plays lists !According to 2... 
I woke up to 6" of snow
A little over a foot in my yard in St.Paul and still snowing But at 12 degrees above not cold . That -30  last week was a bit nippy though . 
Jazz for aficionados has more than one . 
Jazz for aficionados
Thanks so much nsp, haven’t received it yet but you can bet I almost broke my mouse when I saw the word MONTREAL on the cover !To be honest I skipped the "Clifford " . might be too much for me . 
Jazz for aficionados of the great daughters of Nippon . 
Top Ten Rock Vocalists
Truth is there is NOT a top 1 ! 
Jazz for aficionados
newbee, its worth a LOT !To all, I know I repeat a lot .I learned a lesson from a guy named Bach.They is no reason to invent something new until you get to the very bottom of whats already before you .If I did what I feel I’d have 50 renditions of... 
Jazz for aficionados
acman , that was Nelsons best all right . That "Baltimore Oriole " was a killer . Never heard her before .mary jo,You hit one out of the park with that "Winter Moon.Never heard that wonderful rendition . 
Jazz for aficionados lovely , elegant little lady seems all but forgotten and that should not be !Pitch baby , pitch ! 
Jazz for aficionados Hamilton doesn't get enough love , this was a Tokyo outing .Don't know how John Bunch got that Steinway in... 
Jazz for aficionados
I don’t listen to my favorite rendition of "Stardust", by Clifford Brown, unless I am alone because it makes me cry .No joke .King Cole , Sassy and Mathis , love them all .With Hoagy you just go from masterpiece to masterpiece to masterpiece .He d... 
Jazz for aficionados greatest American songwriters stuff reminds me of Bach .No matter how , with what or where you play it just comes out beautiful .Hope Toots was listening ! 
Will Technology Kill the Audiophile Hobby?
If climate change is not halted the last 2 humans left will be eating rats . 
Jazz for aficionados
10 seconds into his "Caravan " I knew I was in the presence of a very high level of spirituality , in much the same way I feel when I listen to my morning Bach Cantata . To be honest the term I would use is God .To be there you must have true humi...