
Responses from scientist73

My system is bright? I need help. thanks
how far are they from the side walls...measured from the wall to the center of the drivers?Thanks for your concernFom the right wall unit to the center of the drivers about 3.5 feet no more than 4. from the left it is about 5 to 6 feet but it is t... 
My system is bright? I need help. thanks
Bout anaolgueI play some records on MMF-5 turntable and tapes an a NAK cr-7a.I am new to vinyl but it sounds much better than Cd except for the weaker base and some brightness in the highs.I listen to cds 80% of the time. 
My system is bright? I need help. thanks
Thanks a again to all of you. I tried again today and i am happy with the results it is still bright in the highs and "S" on Patricia barber SACD is like a knife to my ears.but no pain, i am content with that for now.From my limited experience wit... 
My system is bright? I need help. thanks
iam so happy but overwhelmed with the plethora of knowledge aNd input i am getting from you. here are the results of my first day.On the way home i called my wife to turn on the kw 500 , it needs 35 minutes to warm up. when i got home i thoughT ab... 
My system is bright? I need help. thanks
I am sorry disregard the previous sketch , i tried doing it using letter and brackets it got confused when made into text by audiogon. Sorry for that 
My system is bright? I need help. thanks
Lots of thanks to all of you for the fast response. About my room here are some aspects of it1-Floor: carpet2-Ceiling Cathedral3-2 large windows facing the gear and speakers rright behing my sitting position. the have hunter douglas drapes coverin...