
Responses from seabreeze

Warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent
Perfect Lloyd, refrences to both high end and budget, just the kind of feedback I was looking for, although I didn't mention that in my opening post... 
Audiophile Quality from Computer, Best Dac's out t
John Kenny dac 
Audiophile Quality from Computer, Best Dac's out t
Blue Circle BC 509 
Audiophile Quality from Computer, Best Dac's out t
Some reviews on the Burson, for those interested 
Preamp Recommendation for Pass Aleph Amp
I do appreciate all the info thus far.Gundam91 thanks for the offer, unfortunately we are on opposite sides of the coast.Driver has had both, and describes what you should be expecting from your remote version. 
Audiophile Quality from Computer, Best Dac's out t
Two good links of interest, that I came across, that will get you closer to acheiving audiophile quality through your computer as source. 
Pass Labs:What to expect fm XA60.5 to XA100.5
"Overall, the music picture portrayed by the 100.5 is towards a denser and complete sound if compared with the 60.5.If one can stretch, go for the 100.5. I agree from some of the comments I read and heard, the 100.5 is the sweet spot model among t... 
Preamp Recommendation for Pass Aleph Amp
Could either one of you tell me the sonic signature of the Aleph P. What can be expected from the top to bottom of the spectrum.What power cords and IC did you use.What did the Balance give you over the RCA.Generally speaking, I know Balance will ... 
Power cord and Interconnects for Cambridge Azur840
Have any of you tried the Shunyata Research Anaconda Helix VX or for that matter any of the vx line on the 840 for power cord. Horchai the DCCA is also in the running, after speaking with Don, I fill comfortable his cable will do the job as well.T... 
Pass Labs:What to expect fm XA60.5 to XA100.5
I owned the 350.5 and the 250.5 at the same time, and for me in my system the 250.5 was the winner. It simply had better synergy equally from top to bottom. The 350.5 was leaning more to the upper frquencies and not as balanced as the 250.5My frie... 
Shunyatas New CX series
How does the v ray compare to Bybee conditioner. 
Power cords, AC line conditioners---preferences?
I use Bybee conditioner , tara labs speaker wire converted to Power Cords, simply magic.For me the Bybee conditioner transforms your system from great to fantastic. Takes your system to a whole new level. 
Budget Preformance / Power Cords and Interconects
Very much appreciated, the kind of Info I was looking for.Thus far audio art is on my short list, amoung a couple others.The Cambridge 840cd is a little on the thin side, could use a little more body to it. Someone mentioned that they use DCCA aud... 
Budget Preformance / Power Cords and Interconects
Facten, thanks for your refrence to Audio Art Cable , Robb is a great Guy. Do you use his cables...If so which ones. 
Cables/Power Cords Shoot Out
Thanks HifihvnInteresting enough, didn't see one of the smaller advitisers that offer there goods here.Perhaps some could chime in on the ones they bought from the smaller vendors here and there experiences with their power cords and interconnects.