
Responses from seldenr

Best Way To Archive Vinyl On My PC
Hey guys:I did not have much time, so only able to generally scan the mails above, but really enjoyed the thread!! I also have a few thousand LPs and decided I wanted to archive them since I have very little time to play vinyl with a house full of... 
Converting LP to digital. Advice please...
All:Very good posts, and helpful. Might I ask a question or two? I am interested in transferring some or all of my vinyl collection to digital for archival and convenience reasons. So I would prefer to archive them at 24 bit, 88.2 or 96kHz minimum... 
Headphone Amp AND good Preamp
Thanks for the tips!! Yes, I spent many an hour at head-fi, and in fact that is how I found the Woo, Mapletree, Signalpower (although I have not been able to locate them) and a few others. However, I do tend to think that the "typical" (if there i... 
Review: Sonus Faber Stradavari Homage Speaker
Richard:I am SO jealous! I may fly up there just to hear that system. You are to be congratulated for having good taste in more than just one of your senses. Thanks for taking the time to write such an ejoyable review. Loved it! 
moving to Europe,need help with converting 110/220
Yes, check before you leave, but several manufacturers are making their gear so that it is either dual-voltage (no change necessary), or can be simply switched internally. Why? Simple, makes life a lot easier for them since they ship all over the ... 
What music do you want to play really loud?
Easy. Mahler's 2nd Symphony (with the ending of the 8th close in the running).Recording? Not so easy. I have about 8 different versions, but probably because it was the first version I owned, I still prefer Bernstein with NYP. The louder the better!! 
Have recently purchased NHT 3.3 from an audiogoner
Tjtrout20:Of course, all responses are going to be personal opinion, but like you I have many fond memories of auditioning the 3.3s (ended up with 2.9s for the moment). I have heard them on approximately 4 different occasions. Two times with Bryst... 
Need help from tube guys to select a tube preamp
Just wanted to suggest an Audio Electronic Supply AE-3. This is Cary's subsidiary, a DIY kit company, but this little fellow (2 x 6SN7) has a large and loyal following. Rare on the used market, since my observation is that most people tend to keep... 
Best Full Range Speakers For Under $1100 ?
Easy. NHT 2.9. Occasionally available for $1,100 here on Audiogon. 
Head Hunters?
Great responses, but I just have to recommend Chick Corea's "Romantic Warrior". Did I ever wear out the LP in my college days! If you like "Head Hunters" you should like "Romantic Warrior". Enjoy!! 
help me get into gospel
As Clueless said, there is a vast selection. You might try one of the "Best of Gospel" boxed sets. This will let you hear all types of gospel, back into the 1930s to the present. My current favorite? The Mississippi Mass Choir (try their greatest ... 
Turntable/Arm in $1500-2000 Range
Soliver and Jimbo3:I haven't logged onto this site in a few weeks (uncharacteristic of me), but am pleased and honored that you guys took the time to respond.I once met with Brian Kurtz, the owner of SMA-A, here in Houston, and if I decide on the ... 
Nottingham Audio Space Deck Review
Fantastic review and responses! Those of us researching a new turntable purchase applaud such excellent efforts. It's a joke for most of us to be told "go listen for yourself", since the cost to do that for just a minor sampling of turntables woul... 
Turntable/Arm in $1500-2000 Range
4yanx:>> Just wanted to send a "thank you" for your post. I am also looking in that range, and interested in Michell Gyro, Nottingham Spacedeck, OL Aurora, etc. I read the post by the guy you responded to, and it just reminds me that a tribu... 
Jazz suggestions please
Timwat hit a triple. I should go through my list as well, but I just purchased a Charlie Haden CD - "American Dream", with Brad Mehldau and Michael Brecker. Very nice, especially if you like an upright bass, so thought I would pass it on.