
Responses from shadowcat2016

A certain online retailer asked me for a review of Pangea power cords..
Glad you're happy, it's what it's about. 
A certain online retailer asked me for a review of Pangea power cords..
ElizabethLove your posts madame.  Clearly you have good taste and relatively deep pockets.........No disrespect intended, this is a discussion.......Give me one real reason that an ultra power cord and/or magic outlet can and/or should make any di... 
A certain online retailer asked me for a review of Pangea power cords..
As both an audiophile and technician for 40+ years I have a VERY hard time with the idea that either a fancy outlet or power cord can or should make ANY audible difference in your or my system. If they really did, why wouldn’t most, if not all, of... 
Home theater setup recommendations?
Wow, lots of help and suggestions..............much appreciated folks. I learn more every day..........40 years, two channel audiophile, but the HT thing will be new ground. Lots of similarities, but important differences as well.Daughter is in Fl... 
Home theater setup recommendations?
You folks have a lot of good input, thanks!!This may be off the wall, but.........Does it make any sense to run 4 of the same speakers + center.............I see a lot of Vandy 2c and 2c sigs for sale at reasonable prices. I have the 3A's myself a... 
Home theater setup recommendations?
amg56Good on ya mate :) 
Home theater setup recommendations?
WOW...........I thought I was the only one who doesn't sleep!!..........Guess I was wrong. LOLHaven't hammered out the budget thing with them yet. As previously mentioned, they have NO idea what good sound or gear is like. They think 4 inch  Bose ... 
What is the fascination?
amg56Well said.....and so very true.........Somewhat surprising to see that TT's have made a bit of a comeback with the younger set.........After all, I've never seen one with a remote or phone app :)......I guess you have to be old to appreciate ... 
What is the fascination?
I'm still running a 35 year old, original SOTA Saphire TT, with a Lustre GST 801 arm and an equally ancient Grace, F-9E ruby cart. Is it the be-all and end-all of TT sound??......likely not, but it doesn't lose anything to my brand new Marantz 14S... 
Looking for speaker recommendations
I have the Vandy 3A's. I've discovered that proper setup, room placement, is a huge factor in how they sound. I'm fortunate to have a dedicated listening room, so I can do whatever works within the constraints of the room itself. My only concern, ... 
How good is your hearing ? And how do you know ?
have had tinnitus in my right ear for years....very annoying, along with poor HF hearing in that ear....yet I can still, thankfully hear small differences in music and recordings, as well as any changes I make to my setup. I can't explain it. I gu... 
FM antennas.............Does ANBODY still make them?
Think I'm going to go with Denny's antenna service in Ithaca Missouri. He sells what looks to be a nice multi-element yagi style, FM antenna. In my location I'll really need a good unit. ...............Have the tuner hooked up to a Terk, but that'... 
FM antennas.............Does ANBODY still make them?
LoomisjYeah, that's what I read online.......too bad, I was tempted to go that route. They only have so much bandwidth and they've crammed too many channels into it trying to to widen their subscription base. I guess it works for those who only li... 
FM antennas.............Does ANBODY still make them?
Read a bunch of reviews that XM SQ sucks..........what's your experience??? 
Vintage receivers???
tonykayRead a few reviews on XM radio today.............almost every one said, good programming, terrible SQ.............If that's the case it doesn't seem like something I'd want to pay a subscription fee for . In all fairness, the reviews I foun...