
Responses from smw30yahoocom

Placette pre amp
Yes, I have triode monoblocks, but didn't know the sensitivity etc, since everything is boxed up right now. Thanks for the input, though. I'm waiting for the new format to settle in somewhat before I buy a cd player, but am thinking of a ML or Aud... 
Placette pre amp
Thanks for the info. I am not a DIY person, so would want to buy my passive. I think I will buy my source with a volume control(probably ML or possibly Audio Aero) and try it first that way, then move on from there to a passive if I feel the sound... 
Need help for wife acceptance
Since I am a female, I will try to answer this one with that in mind. Years ago, before I got involved in hi-end stereo, I used to look at wires, speakers, stereo equipment as just cluttered furniture. After I started getting interested in the hig... 
Do cables really need "breaking in"?
I really don't know the answer to this, but if cables can sound better after time, why doesn't your TV look better after you've been watching it all day or why doesn't the radio in your car sound better after listening to it for hours? I, personal... 
Who R U?
I actually have been thinking about getting something to get by, but I hate to compromise the sound of my system with something cheap. I am going to look into the new Sony ax7000es player, and will also look into the art io/dac. If anybody has any... 
Audiophiles - Your Favorite Food??
ice cream - especially baseball nut at Baskins and Robbins. 
Granite under your amp???
I bought a marble cutting board (or bread board)at a cooking retail store for $20.00. I put it under the cd player I was using, and it sounded much better. 
Who R U?
Hi, I use the computer at work(on breaks only, of course), so I only have access at certain times. Anyway, I have Dahlquist speakers (DQ20I), Legend Audio Design mono block amps (triodes), no pre-amp as of yet and no source. I'm waiting for the ne... 
Who R U?
Hi, My name is Sandra. I'm 53 years old, never been married (came close a few times), no kids (but I make a great aunt) and I love music of all kinds. I got interested in hi fi equipment about 8-9 years ago and never looked back. I love reading al... 
The most important piece in a stereo system???
I think all of the pieces are equally important, so I think that you should start with one piece that you really know and like the sound of: (speaker,amp, pre-amp,or cd player), then build the rest of your system around it to get the sound that yo... 
Amp w/s Outstanding Midrange
I would definitely go with a tube amp, regardless of what brand it is. Most tube amps excell in the mid-range area. 
Need a good amp for Dahlquist DQ-10
I have the DQ20i's speakers, and absolutely love them. I had tried various amps with my system (Krell, Ayre, Cary) to name a few, and ended up with the Legend Audio Design triode mono amps. They also have an integrated amp, but it may be over your... 
Has anyone experienced the new Levinson 390S?
I was wondering the same thing because I am thinking about buying either the ML 390S, Audio Aero, or Resolution Audio but am mostly interested in the ML390S. If you have heard it, what is it like? I am looking for a musical but detailed player. So... 
Air Tight Amp or other good tube amp
I love the sound of the Legend Audio Design amps. They also have an integrated for around $3000. You can buy from them, but they also have dealers around the country. Good Luck 
resolution audio
thanks for the input on the 2 cd players. I'm still waiting for the new format to emerge, mainly because I don't want to buy 2 different types of software. I'm interested in upsamplers at this time because I can still play my regular cd's on them,...