
Responses from snovosel

Tekton Double Impacts
@corelli I rarely get into Audiogon so I only now read your question:"I read your post on AudioCircle where you upgraded your Spatials to the TM’s. If I read you correctly you seemed to be a bit underwhelmed and were ready to go "back to the drawi... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@divertiti I hesitate to say anything because if my impressions don’t measure up to what appears to be the consensus of others, I start to wonder that maybe I’ve done something "wrong" when auditioning. But because you’ve asked, FWIW, here goes.I ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
My impressions of the DI ($3300 vers.) after bringing in in one fell swoop $45k+ worth of gear to demo (which included Martin Logan ESL-X and Motion 40, B&W 702 S2, Spatial Audio M3 Triode Masters, Polk Audio RT600i, Pass Labs XA25, Linear Tub... 
Tekton Double Impacts
I wanted to add that I've ordered a Peachtree Nova300 integrated amp to my demo scenario. It should arrive at about the same time as the ZOTL early next week.All I've done since my last post has been to break-in the DIs by running them 14 hours... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@david_ten Thanks again for the suggestion as Terry was kind enough to take time to go over my concerns and thanks to him I have a much clearer path ahead of me.I’ve ordered a MZ2 upgraded with the linear power supply and NOS tubes, and I will als... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@david_ten   Ok, I will reach out to Terry.Do you have recommendations regarding cabling?  Not too expensive? 
Tekton Double Impacts
@david_ten Included in the DI shootout are Spatial Audio M3 Triode Master and B&W 702 S2. Will be driving it with PrimaLuna Dialogue HP Premium power amp (EL 34) and PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium preamp (wide assortment of 12au7 -- Mullard, TeleF... 
Tekton Double Impacts
My DIs will be delivered this coming Thursday (June 14) and I am struggling to decide on how best to power them.  It sure would be helpful if there was a way to catalog and post a standing list of components others have successfully used with DIs ... 
Anyone try KT150 in Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP
Strike that last comment: "I’m off to look at subs." I meant to say, I’m off to look at other speaker alternatives. 
Anyone try KT150 in Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP
I realize that this is an older thread but as I found myself today asking the same question as the OP, I thought I should chime in FWIW. I (too) have the DiaLogue P-HP amp (and DiaLogue P-preamp) hooked to Spatial M3 Triode Masters which in combin... 
review iPhono 2
totem395, define "big step up"? 
review iPhono 2
My initial thoughts of the iPhono2 based on my system:I had to buy two. The first iPhono2 came from a major on-line retailer, open-box.  I thought I would save a few pennies but it was DOA so I returned it and ordered a new one that was delivered ... 
new Cadenza Blue issue?
Oregon, I've decided to proceed according to your (and others) recommendation and have ordered the ART9.  I am looking forward to hearing how it translates in my system/room.  
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Ok I guess no one here is using (or used) the Soundsmith MCP2 stage, so can anyone offer suggestions for other stages they’ve found mate well with the ART9? 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Wondering if anyone has experience using the ART9 with a Soundstage MCP2 stage? I have a new unplayed Dyna 17D3 and am looking at alternative carts for comparison purposes. Running a VPI Prime (along with Prima Luna DiaLogue pre and power amps -- ...