

Responses from sonti

High fidelity REVEAL interconnects
Should be getting some Total Contact solution soon which I bought specifically to treat my High Fidelity RCA cable and speaker cables. I have the original version of the Ultimate Reference CT-1 speaker cables and would like to know if any has paid... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
I am going to be in Texas and Oregon for a few weeks next month and would really like to find Total Contact. Where could I order some from please? I am not having much luck on line. Thank you. 
Come On, Zeus-ers, How Does the Big Rogue Sound?
I have had the Zeus for about 5 months now. It has all the power one would need and offers you the flexibility between triode and ultra linear (which I tend to prefer in most cases)as well.The sound is less "tubey" than you may imagine, given the ... 
Rogue M-150's sonic flavour
Yes - I auditioned them both in my system. At the time my system was an Audio Aero CD player going directly into the power amps. The speakers are aCapella High Violons.I greatly preferred the power of the Zeus - they matched my system better, howe... 
Any Rogue Zeus Owners Out There? What Preamp?
HelloI use the Zeus through a TacT RCS peamp and am getting super results at the moment. In effect it is actually outputting a digital signal from the bnc connector into the RCS and then receiving it back - processing the signal through its STARS ... 
Shunyata King Cobra V1 verses V2
Thank you - I have gone with the KC V2 and in my system it appeared to do more that I liked than the Anaconda Alpha which was the other option I had at the time. 
Shunyata King Cobra V1 verses V2
My system consists of an Audio Aero Capitole CD Player going directly into a Plinius Odeon amp (used in two channels) and ACapella High Violon speakers. I intend to get a Model 2 Hydra and then an Anaconda Alpha for the amp. However, I have the ch...