High fidelity REVEAL interconnects

For $699 HF costumer service, said it can compete with the Odin, apparently this cable is available for shipping a week before Christmas?      Agoners any opinion?
I suggest getting a HF MC-6 hemisphere power conditioner & / or a couple MC-5’s (or / and the new  product they just came out with). As you add Reveal speaker cables or XLR cables or Reveal power cords, it just keeps getting better. I finally have all HF Cables, the MC-6 hemisphere and three MC-5’s. The sound is stunning, could not be happier. If on a budget, I believe a couple MC-5’s would be more beneficial than adding Reveal adaptors to the Reveal interconnects, but I have not tried it. 
While I don't disagree at all with musicfx's suggestion if you don't want to spend that amount of money (MC-6 or MC-6 Hemisphere)  I believe the Magnetic Adaptors would improve the sound. Now the hard question to answer is what will sound better the funds spent on two pairs of Magnetic Adaptors or buying two MC-05 Magnetic Wave Guides. I also think the Wave Guides would win the contest.
Should be getting some Total Contact solution soon which I bought specifically to treat my High Fidelity RCA cable and speaker cables. 
I have the original version of the Ultimate Reference CT-1 speaker cables and would like to know if any has paid for the upgrade that they do to bring it to current specs. Its an expensive proposition so I would appreciate some experienced feedback. Thank you.
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In the original High Fidelity thread there where several people who did send their cables in and liked the upgrade. Where in the thread i am not sure its long and covers several High Fidelity products. Sorry not much help, but the info is there.
Could you post back and let us know how the Total Contact Solution worked for you.
Thanks Pete