
Responses from srayle

what is the best amp you've ever heard
Sam Kim's EL-84 Heathkit 151 wired in triode...NOT a restoration, butSam's original design created in the Heath's chassis. The EL84's are MUSICAL tube, and the amp has clarity, jump and just the right amount of tube EL84MAJIC! It has tone controls... 
heathkit 151
i own the Heathkit 151 completely rebuilt in triode by Sam Kim, asnd it just sings and rocks! Best amp I've ever owned (including Don Garber's terrific SET Fi 2a3 monolocks). It is a little pricey, but they're willin to dicker o the price a little... 
6SN7 & 6CA4 Tube Recommendations for Cary AE-3 DJH
Hi,I owned this preamp, and thought it sounded wonderful with most any NOS tubes I tried. It didn't seem to make much audible difference to my ears. What I'm trying to say is that its a terrific pre, but in my experience, not a "tube roller's drea... 
Is the Eico HF 81 really that good?
I had Ryan Inman of Hot Glass Audio do it. Had the unit sent directly to him after auction. He actually saved me $100 on the Eico tuner that I bought with it...seller said it was working, Ryan said it had never worked it recent history. Seller gru... 
Is the Eico HF 81 really that good?
I just received an HF-81 that I bought and had restored. I've not owned any vintage equipment before, but I must say, I am amazed by the sound. Terrific musicality, one listens to the music more than the equipment. It actually competes with my Fi2... 
Eastern Electric Mini Max vs AE-3 DJH preamps
Hi,I think I can speak to this issue as I have owned both. I recently sold the MiniMax. I actually had both at the same time for about 6 months, and I preferred the AES by a wide margin. The Minimax offered more detail, but the AES offered more to... 
Squeeze box vs. CD player
I think you can have wonderful results with a squeezebox and a good DAC. This way you have the great features of the Squeezebox and have the sound you want. Of course, you have to have or buy a good DAC.Check out this review of the Squeezebox:http...