

Responses from sslide

“Invest” in Tekton?
Where is the other tekton thread? It looks like there's 2-4 of them here. 
“Invest” in Tekton?
Oh I oh I almost forgot this- there is one big problem with the these speakers if you are married. Your wife will surely hate them, lord knows mine does. They're quite big. It's worse for me- my wife has a bachelors in interior design. She is frea... 
“Invest” in Tekton?
Ok I posted a while back before I got the DIs-well I've been listening to them a week- and I've really been listening because my wife is at her parents the whole week. I get to blast it as loud as I want till 4-5 in the morning. Fun fun. Anyway th... 
“Invest” in Tekton?
I can't argue that everyone hears differently, just as no two voices are the same. One of my best friends has Wilsons and they just leave me cold. I guess the only thing I would say is in my case what I hear in any stereo is more objective than us... 
“Invest” in Tekton?
Oh one other thing- I'm married and anyone who is can relate to the wife acceptance factor. My wife has a bachelors in interior design and always complains my Grand Veenas are too big for our living room. She's gonna really freak when I get the DI... 
“Invest” in Tekton?
I will be getting the DIs from Mike at Audio Archon- he's a very good friend. The home theater reviewer terry London is also our good friend. I will say this- I am a high level professional musician, been playing 37 years and I know exactly what e... 
Anyone in New York with Grand Veenas?
Hi Trejla, that's funny, I talked to someone at the Cable Company recently about something else. My wife is from PA. and we once visited New Hope and it's not that far from her parents. We will be there for two weeks at Christmas so hopefully I ca... 
Anyone in New York with Grand Veenas?
Hi everyone who responded. It's funny, I posted this and I've been so busy I forgot all about it, my friend read it before I did. Anyway, I did speak at length with Tash, he was great and very helpful. I know I could try them out at home but as ha...