Anyone in New York with Grand Veenas?

Hi all, is there anyone anywhere near Westchester NY that has a set of Reference 3A Grand Veenas that I might be able to listen to? I'm thinking of getting a pair would and would like to hear them first and there are no dealers in NY. I know we live in crazy world with crazy people so I would gladly provide professional and personal references that I'm a nice normal guy. For what it's worth I'm professional musician and I do shows for young children, families, along with the more usual gigs.
Thanks, Chris.
Yup, there are still old bigots who laugh at the "N" word. Just takes time for them to die off.
I suggest contacting The Cable Company. Many do not know they have a showroom in New Hope, PA, about an hour from NYC.

It was there I first heard the Reference 3A Grand Veenas, and fell in love with them. Of course, the reputation of The Cable Company checks out as high as any in the high-end audio business.
Hi Trejla, that's funny, I talked to someone at the Cable Company recently about something else. My wife is from PA. and we once visited New Hope and it's not that far from her parents. We will be there for two weeks at Christmas so hopefully I can get there in that time. The problem is my wife is not into the stereo thing-what wife is? But I will try and thank you very much for the tip.
Thanks, Chris.