

Responses from strat1117

Totem Acoustic Forest Signatures
Mcfavre4 - welcome to the thread. I have quite a bit of experience with a pair of pre signature, biwire model 1s. They were my dad’s speakers and I borrowed them from him when my vandersteens went down (for the third time). My several months with ... 
Totem Acoustic Forest Signatures
Hey Boys -Merry Christmas! Messing around with speaker cable and wanted some input. I’ve been happily using CVT Terminator 1 biwire for almost a year without even thinking about it, but based upon comments earlier in this thread and elsewhere, I d... 
Ortofon Cadenza Range loading range
I had a cadenza black for several years and loaded it at approximately 100 ohms - same as a koetsu or a Lyra. Assuming the red has the same internal impedance, I would think 300 is a bit too high unless you are trying to ‘liven up’ your system. Th... 
Totem Acoustic Forest Signatures
Thanks, Dave_b, I just read your post in another thread and your story leading back to the totems does, indeed, sound similar to mine (although my earlier totem experience was with a pair of pre-signature, biwire model 1s, which I still have in my... 
Totem Acoustic Forest Signatures
Thanks, N!  Trying to keep a low internet profile these days, but this seems like a nice forum to share some set up ideas and listening experiences with these great speakers which, like you guys, seem to me to be under-represented out there. NSC 
Totem Acoustic Forest Signatures
Just poking around and happily stumbled on this great thread. I’ve had my black gloss Forest Signatures for about a year, and they are far and away the best balanced, most satisfying speakers I have owned in 40+ years in this hobby (including Wils... 
Lyra Kleos vs Koetsu Urushi
I know I’m late to this particular party, but....All of these cartridges are hand made and, therefore, there will be some sample to sample variation. For example, I have an old Koetsu Black that sounds better than the several rosewood sigs and Uru... 
Spades or bananas connectors?
Vandersteen used to provide only for bananas. Now, some of them at least, only allow for spades of a certain size. The only thing you don’t get is a choice. While theoretically there may be a difference, and logically spades appear to be a tighter... 
Speaker cables from same brand as interconnects?
Happy to find this very old thread on exactly th point I was looking for, and even happier to find your conclusions support my observations. I have always bought into the primarily British idea of the cable loom, and throughout the last 30+ years,... 
Audioquest Earth interconnect review
Just happened upon this old thread and I have to agree with theduke - if you are old enough to have owned an AR turntable, then AR will not register to you as Audio Research Corp.  
Current production EL34 tubes for vtl mb-125
Thanks for all the responses, gentlemen. I agree that the shuguang treasure/psvanes are great, but as I stated in my original post, I'm trying to avoid spending $100/tube. The JJs are certainly on my radar, but I wouldn't know how to choose betwee... 
Warm Sounding Preamp Suggestions
Not familiar with the speakers, but in answer to your basic question, you can never go wrong with an audible illusions modulus 3 preamp.  
Amazing "tightening" of bass on cone speakers
Thought I’d resurrect this worthwhile old thread. I have found this to be true on virtually every speaker I have owned. I disagree about doing it every two weeks as someone mentioned above, but once every 2 years is about right. I also don’t agree... 
Tightening Driver Screws
Thought I’d resurrect this worthwhile old thread. I have found this to be true on virtually every speaker I have owned. I disagree about doing it every two weeks as someone mentioned above, but once every 2 years is about right. I also don’t agree... 
Totem Model 1 Signatures best speaker cables
I am getting good results with MIT shotgun biwire speaker cable on my Model 1s, using VTL mb-125 tube amps. I do confess, though, that I prefer the amps in tetrode rather than triode with these speakers. I would also recommend Audioquest Gibraltar...