
Responses from studio1

Best CDs
FriendYou have some fun research ahead of you!  The quick answer is yes - there are labels that manufacture with an emphasis on Audiophile quality; however, availability of specific artists, genre, and recordings on those mediums becomes an issue.... 
Sloppy, muted bass response on Hegel h190
FriendTake your Amplifier to an Audiophile store in your area to audition it with whatever brand loudspeakers they feature to begin the process of elimination. At a minimum you can regain a smile on your face if you audition it on some good loudsp... 
Upgrade A/V Receiver or get 5 Ch. Amp
FriendAnthem has been in the business a long time with much success in A/V.  Make your move and enjoy yourself. 
Where to go from here - Dac/Integrated Amp Etc...?
FriendTo the  extent possible stick with dedicated devices.   A standalone network device and DAC that is dedicated to your music should yield much better results regarding sound quality. 
Nottingham Interspace vs Pear Audio vs Analogue Works
Friendthe first turntable you listed has a long and successful history and probably better resale; the other two are new to me.  That is not to say that they are not good turntables; however, being a newer company takes time to make it to the revi... 
Manley 300B Neo Classic Preamp owners
Congratulations on your discovery!  The 300B is a very nice Tube for Audiophile applications. 
Tube Sound Question
Friend This is always a very interesting topic for discussion.     Based on my experience throughout the years there is no doubt that the Amplifier  contributes most of the sonic signature to the overall  presentation.   However,   there is also n... 
2.5 or 3 way; why one over the other?
FriendPlease take a look at this article: .   It is all about how the information (Lows, Miss, Highs) sent to the Loudspeaker is reproduced.  The crossover basically assigns spe... 
what speakers to buy
FriendYou can get much done within your budget.  Focal is a very safe route to go to ensure quality. Your Amplifiers should easily power most Loudspeakers on the market including Magnepan.  Decision will be dependent on your taste of presentation.... 
What to do: upgrade amp or buy pre-amp
FriendIt is possible to buy all top rated gear and not get the emotional connection. What I have found over the years is the lower power quality Triode Amplifiers do this well! The REF210 is based upon a push-pull, fully balanced vacuum-tube circu... 
ipod classic compatable options w flash drive etc
FriendLook here: 
VTL 7.5iii Tubes
FriendContact these folks Tube World. They should be able to help. 
Amplifier help
I am not sure about the city of Memphis. However there is a website and business called audio classics that has a great reputation there and restoration.Of course this would mean shipping the unit, however if you are very attached to the unit it w... 
Where do the tubes go?
FriendThere is descent tube equipment, and then there is spectacular tube equipment. The first thing to do is find a reputable dealer in your area and audition what they carry. I can tell you that there are two main types of Output Tubes - Triode ... 
Upgrade crossover and internal wiring? Who?
Friend First and foremost, any reputable loudspeaker manufacturer conducts a lot of research and development in any product that they decide to manufacture and market. Depending on the sensitivity of the loudspeaker, the cabling used, the amplific...